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Index Entry  Section

%%: Logging
%>s: Logging
%a: Logging
%A: Logging
%B: Logging
%b: Logging
%D: Logging
%h: Logging
%H: Logging
%m: Logging
%P: Logging
%q: Logging
%r: Logging
%s: Logging
%t: Logging
%T: Logging
%u: Logging
%U: Logging
%v: Logging
%{format}t: Logging
%{hdr}i: Logging
%{hdr}I: Logging
%{obj}L: Logging
%{obj}N: Logging
%{unit}T: Logging

-beg, DeleteHeader option: Request Modification
-beg, header matching flag: Rewrite
-c: Usage
-case, DeleteHeader option: Request Modification
-case, header matching flag: Rewrite
-contain, DeleteHeader option: Request Modification
-contain, header matching flag: Rewrite
-e: Usage
-end, DeleteHeader option: Request Modification
-end, header matching flag: Rewrite
-exact, DeleteHeader option: Request Modification
-exact, header matching flag: Rewrite
-F: Usage
-f: Usage
-f, poundctl: poundctl options
-file, header matching flag: Rewrite
-h: Usage
-h, poundctl: poundctl options
-i, poundctl: poundctl options
-icase, DeleteHeader option: Request Modification
-icase, header matching flag: Rewrite
-j, poundctl: poundctl options
-p: Usage
-pcre, DeleteHeader option: Request Modification
-pcre, header matching flag: Rewrite
-perl, DeleteHeader option: Request Modification
-perl, header matching flag: Rewrite
-posix, DeleteHeader option: Request Modification
-posix, header matching flag: Rewrite
-re, DeleteHeader option: Request Modification
-re, header matching flag: Rewrite
-s, poundctl: poundctl options
-T, poundctl: poundctl options
-t, poundctl: poundctl options
-v: Usage
-V: Usage
-V, poundctl: poundctl options
-v, poundctl: poundctl options
-W: Usage

/etc/services: Listener address

400: Error definitions
401: Error definitions
403: Error definitions
404: Error definitions
405: Error definitions
413: Error definitions
414: Error definitions

500: Error definitions
501: Error definitions
503: Error definitions

ACL: ACL definition
ACL: Rewrite
ACL: Rewrite
ACL: Service Selection Statements
ACL: Service Selection Statements
ACME: Service definitions
add: poundctl commands
add: Pipelines
AddHeader: Request Modification
AddHeader: Service Request and Response Modification
Address: Listener address
Address: Backend
Alive: Timeouts
all, log suppression: Service Logging
and: Pipelines
and’, logical: Service selection
Anonymise: Logging configuration
Anonymize: Logging configuration
Apsis: Overview
authentication, basic: Authentication

backend: Introduction
Backend: Backend
backend, external: Redirects
backend, regular: Introduction
backend, special: Redirects
BackendStats: Proxy Tuning
backreference expansion: Request modifications
Balancer: Balancer
Balancer: Proxy Tuning
Balancer: Other Statements
balancing: Balancer
balancing strategy: Balancer
basic authentication: Authentication
BASIC, session type: Session
BasicAuth: Authentication
BasicAuth: Rewrite
BasicAuth: Service Selection Statements
boolean value, configuration file: Lexical structure

CAlist: ListenHTTPS
case insensitive match, DeleteHeader: Request Modification
case insensitive match, headers: Rewrite
case sensitive match, DeleteHeader: Request Modification
case sensitive match, headers: Rewrite
Cert: ListenHTTPS
Cert: Backend
challenge directory, ACME: ACME
challenges, ACME: ACME
ChangeOwner: Control socket
CheckURL: Listener-specific limits
Ciphers: ListenHTTPS
Ciphers: Backend
Client: Timeouts
Client: Listener-specific limits
ClientCert: ListenHTTPS
clterr, log suppression: Service Logging
combined, built-in format: Logging
combined, request logging: Logging
comments, configuration file: Lexical structure
compound statement: Syntax
conditions, joining: Service selection
conjunction, implicit: Service selection
conjunction, logical: Service selection
ConnTO: Timeouts
ConnTO: Backend
Control: Control socket
control socket: Control socket
COOKIE, session type: Session
CRLlist: ListenHTTPS
custom log format: Logging

Daemon: Runtime directives
delete: poundctl commands
DeleteHeader: Request Modification
DeleteHeader: rewrite response
DeleteHeader: Service Request and Response Modification
detailed, built-in format: Logging
detailed, request logging: Logging
directive: Syntax
Disable: ListenHTTPS
Disable: Backend
disable: poundctl commands
disable: poundctl commands
disable: poundctl commands
Disabled: Backend
Disabled: Other Statements
disjunction, logical: Service selection
div: Pipelines
dns: Usage

ECDHcurve: SSL Settings
Emergency: Special Backends
enable: poundctl commands
enable: poundctl commands
enable: poundctl commands
eq: Pipelines
Err400: Error definitions
Err401: Error definitions
Err403: Error definitions
Err404: Error definitions
Err413: Error definitions
Err414: Error definitions
Err500: Error definitions
Err501: Error definitions
Err503: Error definitions
Error: Special Backends
ErrorFile: Error definitions
escape character: Lexical structure
even: Pipelines
exact match, DeleteHeader: Request Modification
exact match, headers: Rewrite
exists: Pipelines
expansion, backreference: Request modifications
extended, built-in format: Logging
extended, request logging: Logging

file lookup, headers: Rewrite
ForwardedHeader: Logging configuration
ForwardedHeader: Listener logging
ForwardedHeader: Service Logging
Frank Schmirler: Overview

ge: Pipelines
Grace: Timeouts
Group: Runtime directives
gt: Pipelines

header: Request Accessors
Header: Rewrite
Header: rewrite response
Header: Service Selection Statements
HEADER, session type: Session
HeaderAdd: Request Modification
HeaderAdd: Service Request and Response Modification
HeaderOption: Proxy Tuning
HeaderRemove: Request Modification
HeaderRemove: Service Request and Response Modification
HeadRemove: Request Modification
HeadRemove: Service Request and Response Modification
Host: Service selection
host: Request Accessors
Host: Rewrite
Host: Service Selection Statements
HTTPS: Backend

ID: Session
IgnoreCase: Regexp Settings
IgnoreCase: Other Statements
Include: File inclusion
include-dir=dir: Usage
IncludeDir: File inclusion
index: Pipelines
info, log suppression: Service Logging
Interleaved weighted round robin balancing: Balancer
internal backend: Redirects
IP address: Lexical structure
IP, session type: Session
iwrr: Balancer

keywords, configuration file: Lexical structure

le: Pipelines
len: Pipelines
LetsEncrypt: ACME
lexical structure of the configuration file: Lexical structure
list: poundctl commands
list: poundctl commands
list: poundctl commands
list: poundctl commands
listener: Introduction
ListenHTTP: ListenHTTP
ListenHTTPS: ListenHTTPS
load balancing: Balancer
log format, user-defined: Logging
LogFacility: Logging
LogFacility: Logging configuration
LogFacility: Logging configuration
LogFormat: Logging
LogFormat: Logging configuration
logical ‘and: Service selection
logical ‘and’, explicit: Service selection
logical ‘and’, implicit: Service selection
logical conjunction, explicit: Service selection
logical disjunction: Service selection
logical ‘or: Service selection
LogLevel: Logging
LogLevel: Logging configuration
LogLevel: Logging configuration
LogLevel: Listener logging
LogLevel: Listener logging
LogSuppress: Service Logging
LogTag: Logging configuration
lt: Pipelines

Match: Service selection
Match: Rewrite
Match: Service Selection Statements
matching rules: Service selection
matching rules, joining: Service selection
MaxRequest: Listener-specific limits
MaxURI: Listener-specific limits
Metrics: Special Backends
Mode: Control socket
mul: Pipelines
multiple matching rules: Service selection

ne: Pipelines
no-include-dir: Usage
Not: Rewrite
Not: Service Selection Statements
not: Pipelines
null, built-in format: Logging
null, request logging: Logging
numbers, configuration file: Lexical structure

O’Sullivan, Rick: Overview
off: poundctl commands
off: poundctl commands
off: poundctl commands
on: poundctl commands
on: poundctl commands
on: poundctl commands
or: Pipelines
or’, logical: Service selection

param: Request Accessors
PARAM, session type: Session
parenthesized subexpression: Request modifications
path: Request Accessors
Path: Rewrite
Path: Service Selection Statements
PCRE match, DeleteHeader: Request Modification
PCRE match, DeleteHeader: Request Modification
PCRE match, headers: Rewrite
PCRE match, headers: Rewrite
Perl-compatible regular expression match, DeleteHeader: Request Modification
Perl-compatible regular expression match, DeleteHeader: Request Modification
Perl-compatible regular expression match, headers: Rewrite
Perl-compatible regular expression match, headers: Rewrite
Perl-compatible regular expressions: Regular Expressions
PIDFile: Runtime directives
port: Request Accessors
Port: Listener address
Port: Backend
posix regular expression match, DeleteHeader: Request Modification
posix regular expression match, headers: Rewrite
POSIX regular expressions: Service selection
pound.cfg: Introduction
poundctl.tmpl: poundctl template
pound_backends: Metric Families
pound_backend_requests: Metric Families
pound_backend_request_stddev_nanoseconds: Metric Families
pound_backend_request_time_avg_nanoseconds: Metric Families
pound_backend_state: Metric Families
pound_listener_enabled: Metric Families
pound_listener_info: Metric Families
pound_service_enabled: Metric Families
pound_service_info: Metric Families
pound_service_pri: Metric Families
POUND_TMPL_PATH: poundctl template
pound_workers: Metric Families
prefix match, DeleteHeader: Request Modification
prefix match, headers: Rewrite
printf: Pipelines
Priority: Backend

query: Request Accessors
Query: Rewrite
Query: Service Selection Statements
QueryParam: Rewrite
QueryParam: Service Selection Statements
quoted string: Lexical structure

random: Balancer
redirect: Redirects
Redirect: Special Backends
redirect, log suppression: Service Logging
RegexType: Regular Expressions
RegexType: Regexp Settings
regular backend: Introduction
regular expression match, DeleteHeader: Request Modification
regular expression match, headers: Rewrite
regular expressions, PCRE: Regular Expressions
regular expressions, Perl-compatible: Regular Expressions
regular expressions, POSIX: Service selection
regular, built-in format: Logging
regular, request logging: Logging
request accessor: Request modifications
request balancing: Balancer
request matching rules: Service selection
rewrite: Conditional branches
Rewrite: Rewrite
Rewrite: Service Request and Response Modification
RewriteDestination: Request Modification
RewriteLocation: Response Modification
RFC 7617: Authentication
Rick O’Sullivan: Overview
Robert Segall: Overview
RootJail: Runtime directives

Schmirler, Frank: Overview
search path, templates: poundctl template
section: Syntax
Segall, Robert: Overview
ServerName: Backend
service: Introduction
Service definitions: Service definitions
session: Sessions
Session: Session
SetHeader: Request Modification
SetHeader: rewrite response
SetHeader: Service Request and Response Modification
SetPath: Request Modification
SetPath: Service Request and Response Modification
SetQuery: Request Modification
SetQuery: Service Request and Response Modification
SetQueryParam: Request Modification
SetQueryParam: Service Request and Response Modification
SetURL: Request Modification
SetURL: Service Request and Response Modification
simple statement: Syntax
Socket: Control socket
SocketFrom: Listener address
special backend: Redirects
srverr, log suppression: Service Logging
SSLAllowClientRenegotiation: ListenHTTPS
SSLEngine: SSL Settings
SSLHonorCipherOrder: ListenHTTPS
SSLv2: ListenHTTPS
SSLv2: Backend
SSLv3: ListenHTTPS
SSLv3: Backend
statement, compound: Syntax
statement, simple: Syntax
strategy, request balancing: Balancer
StringMatch: Rewrite
StringMatch: rewrite response
StringMatch: Service Selection Statements
sub: Pipelines
substring match, DeleteHeader: Request Modification
substring match, headers: Rewrite
success, log suppression: Service Logging
suffix match, DeleteHeader: Request Modification
suffix match, headers: Rewrite
Supervisor: Runtime directives

template search path: poundctl template
Threads: Worker Settings
time formats: Time and Date Formats
TimeOut: Timeouts
TimeOut: Backend
TLSv1: ListenHTTPS
TLSv1: Backend
TLSv1_1: ListenHTTPS
TLSv1_1: Backend
TLSv1_2: ListenHTTPS
TLSv1_2: Backend
TrustedIP: Logging configuration
TrustedIP: Listener logging
TrustedIP: Service Logging
TTL: Session
Type: Session
typeof: Pipelines

url: Request Accessors
URL: Rewrite
URL: Service Selection Statements
URL, session type: Session
UseBackend: UseBackend
User: Runtime directives
user database: Authentication

values, configuration file: Lexical structure
VerifyList: ListenHTTPS
vhost_combined, built-in format: Logging
vhost_combined, request logging: Logging

warn-deprecated: Usage
Weighted random balancing: Balancer
WorkerIdleTimeout: Worker model
WorkerIdleTimeout: Worker Settings
WorkerMaxCount: Worker model
WorkerMaxCount: Worker Settings
WorkerMinCount: Worker model
WorkerMinCount: Worker Settings
WSTimeOut: Timeouts
WSTimeOut: Backend

xHTTP: Listener-specific limits

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