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9.11.6 Other Statements

Service directive: Disabled bool

If true, mark this service as disabled. Disabled services are not used for request processing. A service can be enabled or disabled at runtime using the poundctl utility (see enable).

Service directive: Balancer algo

Sets the request balancing algorithm to use. Allowed values for algo are:


Use weighted random balancing algorithm.


Use interleaved weighted round robin balancing.

See Balancer, for a detailed discussion of these algorithms.

This statement overrides the global Balancer statement (see Balancer).

Service directive: IgnoreCase bool

Ignore case when doing regex matching (default: ‘false’). This directive sets the default for the following service matching directives: URL, Path, QueryParam, Query, StringMatch, as well as for the DeleteHeader modification directive.

This statement is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Please, use the -icase option to the matching directive instead (see Table 9.2).