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9.6 Logging configuration

Global directive: LogFacility name
Global directive: LogFacility -

Sets the syslog facility to use for logging. Allowed names are: ‘auth’, ‘authpriv’, ‘cron’, ‘daemon’, ‘ftp’, ‘kern’, ‘lpr’. ‘mail’, ‘news’, ‘user’. ‘uucp’, and ‘local0’ through ‘local7’.

The second form configures default log destination. If pound runs in foreground, log messages with priority LOG_DEBUG and LOG_INFO go to stdout, and messages with the remaining priorities are printed to stderr. If pound runs as a daemon, log messages go to the syslog facility ‘daemon’.

Global directive: LogFormat "name" "format_def"

Define request logging format. name is a string uniquely identifying this format, and format_def is the format string definition. See Logging, for a detailed description of format definition syntax.

Global directive: LogLevel "name"
Global directive: LogLevel n

Specify the format to use to log HTTP requests. name is a name of a custom format, defined earlier using the LogFormat directive, or one of six built-in format names.

If numeric argument is used, it refers to a built-in format by its number (0 through 5).

See Logging, for a detailed description of HTTP request logging.

Global directive: LogTag "string"

Sets the string to tag syslog messages with. By default, it is the name of the program (more precisely, the name which was used to start it).

Global directive: ForwardedHeader "name"

Defines the name of the HTTP header that carries the list of proxies the request has passed through. Default value is X-Forwarded-For. This header is used to determine the originator IP address for logging. See %a, for details.

Global directive: TrustedIP

Defines a list of trusted proxy IP addresses, which is used to determine the originator IP. See %a, for details.

This statement is a special form of ACL statement, described below. It can appear in two forms: as a section or as a directive. When used as a section, it is followed by a list of one or more CIDRs each appearing on a separate line. The End keyword terminates the statement, e.g.:


In directive form, this statement takes a single argument, the name of an access control list defined earlier using the ACL statement, e.g.

TrustedIP "proxy_addresses"
Global directive: Anonymise
Global directive: Anonymize

When logging, replace the last byte of client IP addresses with 0.

Default: log the client address in full.

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