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9.7 Management Interface

Pound provides a management interface, which allows one to obtain information about the running instance, change state of configured listeners, services, and backends, etc. These requests are normally issued by the poundctl utility (see poundctl).

The management interface is usually made available via a UNIX socket. Properties of this control socket are configured via the Control statement. It has two forms: directive and section.

Global directive: Control "filename"

Create a UNIX socket filename and listen on it for management requests. The file will be owned by the user that started pound (normally ‘root’) and have mode 0600.

In section form, the Control statement allows for specifying file mode and, to certain extent, socket file ownership. The section can contain the following statements:

Control statement: Socket "filename"

Specifies the name of the socket file to use. This is the only mandatory statement in the section form.

Control statement: Mode octal

Sets the mode of the socket file.

Control statement: ChangeOwner bool

This statement takes effect if at least one of User or Group global statements is used. When set to true it will change the owner of the socket file to that specified by those two statements.

An example of using the Control section:

    Socket "/run/pound.sock"
    Mode 660
    ChangeOwner true