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9.5 File inclusion

Global directive: Include "file"

Include file as if it were part of the configuration file. If file is a relative file name, it will be looked in the include directory (see below).

This directive is allowed both at topmost level and in any subsections of the configuration file.

Global directive: IncludeDir "dir"

Set the include directory, i.e. the directory where pound looks for relative file names that appear in other configuration directives: Include, BasicAuth, ErrorFile (or Err400 through Err503), as well as in the argument to -file option in service matching directives (see -file).

The default value is the system configuration directory as set at compile time (you can check its value in the output of pound -V). This initial value can be changed in the command line using the -W include-dir=dir command line option or reset to the current working directory using the -W no-include-dir option (see Usage).