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9.10 ListenHTTPS

The ListenHTTPS section defines a listener that operates in HTTPS. The section declaration begins with the keyword ListenHTTPS optionally followed by a string supplying symbolic name for that listener:

ListenHTTPS "main"

The purpose of the symbolic name is the same as in ListenHTTP statement. All keywords defined for ListenHTTP can be used for ListenHTTPS as well. See ListenHTTP, for a detailed discussion of these.

Statements specific for this section are:

ListenHTTPS: Cert "filename"

Specifies the server certificate. Filename is either a certificate file name, or the name of a directory containing certificate files.

A certificate file is a file containing the certificate, possibly a certificate chain and the signature for this server, in that order.

This directive is mandatory within ListenHTTPS.

Multiple Cert directives are allowed. If multiple directives are used, the first one is the default certificate, with additional certificates used if the client requests them.

The ordering of the directives is important: the first certificate where the CN matches the client request will be used, so put your directives in the most-specific-to-least specific order (i.e. wildcard certificates after host-specific certificates).

Cert directives must precede all other SSL-specific directives.

ListenHTTPS: ClientCert mode depth

Specifies whether the listener must ask for the client’s HTTPS certificate. Allowed values for mode are:

  1. Never ask for the certificate (the default).
  2. Ask for the client certificate.
  3. Ask and fail, if no certificate was presented.
  4. Ask but do not verify.

Depth is the depth of verification for a client certificate (up to 9). The default depth limit is 9, allowing for the peer certificate and additional 9 CA certificates that must be verified.

ListenHTTPS: Disable proto

Disable the SSL protocol proto and all lower protocols as well. Allowed values for proto are: SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2.

For example:

Disable TLSv1

This disables SSLv2, SSLv3 and TLSv1, thus allowing only TLSv1_1 and TLSv1_2.

ListenHTTPS: Ciphers "cipher_list"

This is the list of ciphers that will be accepted by the SSL connection; it is a string in the same format as in OpenSSL ciphers and SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list functions.

ListenHTTPS: SSLHonorCipherOrder bool

If set true, the server will broadcast a preference to use ciphers in the order supplied in the Ciphers directive. If the value is false, the server will accept any cipher from the Ciphers list. Default value is false.

ListenHTTPS: SSLAllowClientRenegotiation mode

If mode is 0, client initiated renegotiation will be disabled. This will mitigate DoS exploits based on client renegotiation, regardless of the patch status of clients and servers related to Secure renegotiation. If mode is 1, secure renegotiation is supported. If mode value is 2, insecure renegotiation is supported.

The default value is 0.

ListenHTTPS: CAlist "filename"

Set the list of trusted CA’s for this server. The filename is the name of a file containing a sequence of CA certificates (in PEM format). The names of the defined CA certificates will be sent to the client on connection.

ListenHTTPS: VerifyList "filename"

Set the certificate authority list. The filename is the name of a file with CA root certificates, in PEM format.

Please note, that there is an important difference between the CAlist and the VerifyList. The CAlist tells the client (browser) which client certificates it should send. The VerifyList defines which CAs are actually used for the verification of the returned certificate.

ListenHTTPS: CRLlist "filename"

Set the Certificate Revocation List file. Filename is the name of a file that contains the CRLs (in PEM format).

ListenHTTPS: NoHTTPS11 mode

Behave like an HTTP/1.0 server for HTTPS clients. If mode is 0, always conform to HTTPS/1.1. If it is 1, do not allow multiple requests on SSL connections. If the value is 2 (default), disable multiple requests on SSL connections only for MSIE clients.

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