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9.4.1 Runtime directives

Global directive: Daemon bool

When set to ‘true’ (the default), pound will detach itself from the controlling terminal after successful parsing of the configuration file and continue operating in the background.

When set to ‘false’, pound will continue operating in the foreground.

This setting can be overridden by the -F and -e command line options.

Global directive: Group "group_name"

Sets the group pound will run as. If not set, the primary group of the user (as set by the User directive) will be used.

Global directive: PIDFile "filename"

Sets the name of the file where to store program PID. This can be also be set from command line, using -p command line option (see Usage).

Notice the following:

  1. When running with a supervisor, this file holds PID of the supervisor process. Otherwise, it holds PID of the main This means it is always suitable for signalling the program using the traditional kill `cat filename` technique.
  2. Before shutting down, pound removes this file. However, it may fail to do so if it switches to privileges of another user after startup (at least one of User or Group are set in the configuration file) and the file is stored in a directory whose permissions forbid write access for that user.
Global directive: Supervisor bool

When running in daemon mode, start a supervisor process. This process, in turn, will start main pound process and will further monitor it, restarting it if it fails.

The default is true.

Global directive: RootJail "directory"

If this directive is present, pound will use the system chroot call to set the root directory of the process to that specified by directory. After that, the program won’t be able to access any files outside that directory.

Before chrooting, pound makes the necessary preparations to be able to access the files it needs during operation, in particular user databases supplied with the BasicAuth statements (see Authentication).

Global directive: User "user_name"

Configures the user pound will run as.

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