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10.3.1 Multiple Servers Configuration

The Server section provides a way to organize management of multiple pound servers. The idea is that you define the configuration for each particular pound installation in a separate Server section, and then use the name of that section to identify the server of interest in the command line, using the -S option:

poundctl -S web list

The syntax of the Server section is:

Server "name"

where name is a unique name assigned to that server. It will be used as argument to the -S option to identify it. The ellipsis denotes one or more of the following statements:

poundctl Server: URL url

Sets the URL of the pound management socket for that server. The value is either the file name of the UNIX socket file, or a remote URL, as described in poundctl remote.

poundctl Server: CAFile file

Name of the certificate authority file.

poundctl Server: CAPath dir

Read certificate authority files from the directory dir.

poundctl Server: ClientCert file

Supplies the name of the file with client certificate and private key, for client authentication to that server.

poundctl Server: Verify bool

Enables or disables peer certificate verification. The default is on.