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9.3.2 Request Accessor Interpretation

Request accessor is a syntactical construct of the form:


where name denotes a part of the incoming request to access and square brackets are part of the construct. Accessors are interpreted and replaced with the value of the corresponding part of the request. Some accessors take an argument, which is specified after accessor name and is delimited from it by one or more whitespace characters.

The following accessors are defined:

Accessor: url

Request URL.

Accessor: path

Request path.

Accessor: query

Query part.

Accessor: param name

The value of the query parameter name.

Accessor: header name

The value of HTTP header name.

Accessor: host

Hostname part of the Host header. If the latter does not include port number, it is equivalent to %[header host].

Accessor: port

If the value of the Host header includes port number, ‘%[port]’ expands to port number with the leading colon character. Otherwise, it expands to empty string.