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9.9.1 Listener address

ListenHTTP directive: Address address

The IP address that pound will listen on. This can be a numeric IPv4 or IPv6 address, a symbolic host name that must be resolvable at runtime (unless the -Wno-dns option is used), or a full pathname of a UNIX socket. To listen on all available interfaces, use ‘’.

Either Address or SocketFrom (see below) must be present in each ListenHTTP section.

ListenHTTP directive: Port n

The port number or service name (as per /etc/services that this listener will listen on. This directive must be present, unless the Address directive specifies a UNIX socket.

ListenHTTP directive: SocketFrom "pathname"

Read the socket to listen on from the UNIX socket supplied by pathname. If this parameter is supplied, neither Address nor Port may be used. This parameter is intended for use in pound testsuite.