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Appendix A Metric Families

This appendix describes metric families returned in the output of openmetrics pound backends (see Metrics).

Metric family: gauge pound_workers

Number of pound workers (see Worker model). Indexed by types:


Number of workers currently active.


Number of workers running (both idle and active).


Minimum number of workers as set by the WorkerMinCount configuration directive (see WorkerMinCount).


Maximum number of workers as set by the WorkerMaxCount configuration directive (see WorkerMaxCount).


pound_workers{type="active"} 2
pound_workers{type="count"} 5
pound_workers{type="max"} 128
pound_workers{type="min"} 5
Metric family: stateset pound_listener_enabled

State of a listener: enabled/disabled. Indexed by the listener ordinal number.

pound_listener_enabled{listener="0"} 1
pound_listener_enabled{listener="1"} 0
pound_listener_enabled{listener="2"} 1
Metric family: info pound_listener_info

Description of a listener. Each instance contains the following indices:


Listener ordinal number.


Listener name, as set in the ListenHTTP or ListenHTTPS statement (see ListenHTTP).


Listener address. For INET family, it is formatted as ‘IP:PORT’, for UNIX sockets, it is the pathname of the socket.


Either ‘http’ or ‘https’.

The value of this metrics is always ‘1’.

pound_listener_info{listener="0",name="",address="/run/pound.sock",protocol="http"} 1
pound_listener_info{listener="1",name="plain",address="",protocol="http"} 1
pound_listener_info{listener="2",name="tls",address="",protocol="https"} 1
Metric family: info pound_service_info

Description of a service. Indices:


Listener ordinal number. This index is absent for globally defined services.


Index of the service in listener (or in global configuration, for globally defined services).


Service name as set in the Service definition (see Service).

pound_service_info{listener="0",service="0",name=""} 1
pound_service_info{listener="1",service="0",name=""} 1
pound_service_info{listener="1",service="1",name="redirect"} 1
pound_service_info{listener="2",service="0",name="metrics"} 1
pound_service_info{listener="2",service="1",name="web"} 1
pound_service_info{service="0",name="fallback"} 1
Metric family: stateset pound_service_enabled

State of a particular service.

pound_service_enabled{listener="0",service="0"} 1
pound_service_enabled{listener="1",service="0"} 1
pound_service_enabled{listener="2",service="0"} 1
pound_service_enabled{service="0"} 1
Metric family: gauge pound_service_pri

Service priority value. This is the sum of priorities of all backends defined in the service (see Balancer). Indexes:


Listener ordinal number. This index is absent for globally defined services.


Index of the service in listener (or in global configuration, for globally defined services).


If ‘total’, the metrics contains the sum of priorities of all currently active backends, if ‘absolute’, the sum of priorities of all backends, both active and inactive.

pound_service_pri{listener="0",service="0",entity="total"} 10
pound_service_pri{listener="0",service="0",entity="absolute"} 15
pound_service_pri{service="0",entity="total"} 1
pound_service_pri{service="0",entity="absolute"} 1
Metric family: gauge pound_backends

Number of backends per service: total, alive, enabled, and active (both alive and enabled). Indices:


Listener ordinal number. This index is absent for globally defined services.


Index of the service in listener (or in global configuration, for globally defined services).


Backend state: ‘total’, ‘alive’, ‘enabled’, or ‘active’.


pound_backends{listener="0",service="0",state="total"} 5
pound_backends{listener="0",service="0",state="enabled"} 3
pound_backends{listener="0",service="0",state="alive"} 3
pound_backends{service="0",state="total"} 1
pound_backends{service="0",state="enabled"} 1
pound_backends{service="0",state="alive"} 1
Metric family: stateset pound_backend_state

State of each backend. Indices:


Listener ordinal number. This index is absent for globally defined services.


Index of the service in listener (or in global configuration, for globally defined services).


Index of the backend in service.


enabled’: whether the backend is enabled or not.
alive’: whether the backend is alive or not.


pound_backend_state{listener="0",service="0",backend="0",state="alive"} 1
pound_backend_state{listener="0",service="0",backend="0",state="enabled"} 1
pound_backend_state{listener="0",service="0",backend="1",state="alive"} 1
pound_backend_state{listener="0",service="0",backend="1",state="enabled"} 0
Metric family: gauge pound_backend_requests

Number of requests processed by backend. This metrics is available only if backend statistics is enabled (see BackendStats).


pound_backend_requests{listener="0",service="0",backend="0"} 40587
pound_backend_requests{listener="1",service="0",backend="0"} 13858
Metric family: gauge pound_backend_request_time_avg_nanoseconds

Average time per request spent in backend (nanoseconds). This metrics is available only if backend statistics is enabled (see BackendStats).

pound_backend_request_time_avg_nanoseconds{listener="0",service="0",backend="0"} 156254
pound_backend_request_time_avg_nanoseconds{listener="1",service="2",backend="0"} 26147
Metric family: gauge pound_backend_request_stddev_nanoseconds

Standard deviation of the average time per request. This metrics is available only if backend statistics is enabled (see BackendStats).

pound_backend_request_stddev_nanoseconds{listener="0",service="0",backend="0"} 0
pound_backend_request_stddev_nanoseconds{listener="1",service="2",backend="0"} 59

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