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4.2 Request modifications

A service can modify requests before forwarding them to backends. Several statements are provided for that purpose:


Set a HTTP header.


Delete a HTTP header.


Rewrite the request URL.


Rewrite the path part of the URL.


Rewrite the query part of the URL.


Set a single query parameter.

For example, the following service declaration will add the header ‘X-Resent-By: pound’ to each request:

    SetHeader "X-Resent-By: pound"

Arguments to request modification statements are expanded before actual use. During expansion, references to parenthesized subexpressions in matching rules are replaced with their actual values. Parenthesized subexpression is a part of a regular expression enclosed in parentheses. It can be referred to in string arguments as ‘$n’, where n is its ordinal number. Numbers start at one, ‘$0’ referring to the entire string that matched.

The process of expanding parenthesized subexpressions is called backreference expansion.

For example, the following condition:

Header "Content-Type: ([^/]+)/(.+)$"

has two subexpressions: ‘$1’ and ‘$2’. The following fragment uses these values to add two query parameters to the URL:

SetQueryParam "type" "$1"
SetQueryParam "subtype" "$2"

As a more practical example, the following service rewrites the path to JPEG and GIF images:

    Path "/([^/]+\\.(jpg|gif))$"
    SetPath "/images/$1"

When several matching statements are used, these forms refer to the last one that matched. Subexpressions in prior statements can be referred to using the ‘$i(j)’ construct. Here, j is the 0-based number of the statement, counted from the last one upwards. For example, given the following statements:

Host -re "www\.(.+)"
Header -icase "^Content-Type: *(.*)"
Path "^/static(/.*)?"

$1’ refers to the subexpression of Path, ‘$1(1)’ to that of Header, and $1(2) to that of Host.

String arguments to Set statements can also contain request accessors – special constructs that are expanded to particular values from the request. Syntactically, a request accessor is ‘%[name]’, where name denotes the request part to access. For example, %[url] expands to entire URL, %[path] to the path part of the URL, etc.

Using request accessors, the above example of path modification can be rewritten as:

Path "\\.(jpg|gif)$"
SetPath "/images%[path]"

See Request Accessors, for a detailed discussions of available accessors.

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