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9.4.5 Regular Expression Settings

Global directive: RegexType type

Sets the type of regular expressions to use in request matching statements. Allowed values for type are: posix and pcre (or perl), case-insensitive. The latter requires compilation time support.

The selected regular expression type remains in effect for all request matching directives that follow this statement, until next RegexType statement or end of the configuration file, whichever occurs first.

Regular expression type can be set individually for a directive, using the -pcre or -posix option (see Table 9.2).

See Regular Expressions, for a detailed discussion.

Global directive: IgnoreCase bool

Ignore case when doing regex matching (default: ‘false’). This directive sets the default for the following service matching directives: URL, Path, QueryParam, Query, StringMatch, as well as for the DeleteHeader modification directive. Its value can be overridden for specific services.

This statement is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Please, use the -icase option to the matching directive instead (see Table 9.2).