Latest releases

Archive Size MD5 Signature
dnsdbck-1.00.tar.gz 7.7K 27f1624f8e6b147e702f29a36b058d0e dnsdbck-1.00.tar.gz.sig
rpsl2acl-1.00.tar.gz 4.9K 49095a36ca35a39e6725da1e52bd1ec9 rpsl2acl-1.00.tar.gz.sig
axfr2acl-1.00.tar.gz 5.7K 1d7902e69ef75f3185d9719e96906010 axfr2acl-1.00.tar.gz.sig
renewck-1.00.tar.gz 7.4K 006cab17c15bd535c46396880cb901af renewck-1.00.tar.gz.sig
vhostname-1.00.tar.gz 5.8K 2ac8e04baf6306392ab813c1ebc3a27e vhostname-1.00.tar.gz.sig
whoseip-1.00.tar.gz 31K 05ec0ea0faf81a83cb1242a6c4b1353a whoseip-1.00.tar.gz.sig

You can use the signature file to verify that the corresponding file (without the .sig suffix) is intact. First, be sure to download both the .sig file and the corresponding tarball. Then, run a command like this:

  gpg --verify rpsl2acl-1.00.tar.gz.sig

If that command fails because you don't have the required public key, then run this command to import it:

  gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 55D0C732

and rerun the `gpg --verify' command.

Other releases

This and older versions of dnstools can be downloaded from its ftp home.

You can keep track of the news and updates at the project's homepage.