Wydawca (split by section):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: configuring   Up: configuring   FastForward: wydawca.conf   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

4.5 Daemon Configuration

Statements in this section configure the daemon mode.

Config: daemon bool

Enable daemon mode.

Config: inotify bool

Enables or disables the inotify watcher. By default, inotify is always enabled on GNU/Linux systems (unless disabled at the configure time). It can also be configured for each spool individually (See inotify. See inotify, for a detailed description of this feature.

Config: listen url

Listen on this socket for incoming upload notifications (see upload notification). Allowed values for url are:


Listen on IPv46. address ip. Ip may be given either in a dotted quad notation or as a symbolic host name. Port is either a decimal port name, or a service name from /etc/services.


Listen on the UNIX socket file file, which is either an absolute or relative file name.

Config: all-spools name

Declare a special service name, which, when used in a upload notification request, will be treated as a request to process all spools.

Config: max-connections n

Limits the number of upload notification connections allowed to be open simultaneously. The default value is 16 connections.

Config: idle-timeout interval

Sets the idle timeout for upload notification connections. If a connection stays idle for more than the given interval, it will be closed forcibly. Default idle timout is 10 seconds.

See time interval specification, for the syntax of interval.

Config: pidfile file

Store master process PID in file. Default pidfile location is localstatedir/run/wydawca.pid.



Support for IPv6 will be added in future versions.

Wydawca (split by section):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: configuring   Up: configuring   FastForward: wydawca.conf   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index