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3 How to invoke wydawca.

Wydawca gets all information it needs from its configuration file (see wydawca.conf). The default configuration file is sysconfdir/wydawca.conf, but if it is located elsewhere, you can specify its new location with the --config-file (-c) command line option.

If you wish to check your configuration file for syntax errors, use --lint (-t) command line option. When given this option, wydawca prints all diagnostics on its standard error and exits with code 0 if the file is OK, or 1 otherwise.

Normally, wydawca attempts to detect automatically whether it is run from an interactive console, and if so it prints its diagnostics on the standard error. Otherwise, the diagnostics is directed to the syslog, using the facility given in the syslog-facility configuration file statement (see syslog). Two options are provided if you wish to disable this autodetection: the option --syslog instructs the program to print all diagnostics via syslog, and the option --stderr (or -e) instructs it to print everything on the standard error.

The operation mode can be configured in the configuration file or in the command line. Command line options take precedence over configuration settings. The cron mode is the default. It can also be requested explicitly, using the --cron command line option.

Similarly, the --daemon option enables daemon mode.

Usually wydawca attempts to process all the configured spools. You can instruct it to process only a subset of these by using the following options:

-S tag

Process only spool with the given tag.

-s dir

Process only spool with dir as the source directory.

Any number of these options may be supplied, e.g.:

$ wydawca --spool=ftp --spool=test --source=/home/ftp/test-upload

The --debug (-d) option tells the program to set its debugging level to the given integer value. Debugging level determines the amount of information the program reports when it runs. Default level is 0, which means that only errors and other critical conditions are reported. Raising it may be necessary when debugging new configurations. ‘Wydawca’ version 4.0.3 implements 4 distinct debugging levels.

Yet another debugging facility is the --dry-run (-n) option. It instructs wydawca to avoid doing any modifications to the disk contents, and to print a verbose description of any actions it would have taken. It sets the debugging level to 1 and directs the diagnostics output to the standard error, as if --debug=1 --stderr options were given. You can further control the debugging level by supplying additional --debug options after the --dry-run option.

The --dry-run option is useful when testing new configurations, for example:

$ wydawca -c new.cfg --dry-run

In addition, the two usual informational options are available as well: --help (-h) prints a short usage summary, and --version (-v) prints program version number.

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