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6.2.3 Mailutils Databases

Mailutils databases are normally declared as follows:

database name mailutils mode=mode [args]

Here, name is the database name, mode is ‘auth’ if the database should work in auth mode, and ‘mbq’ if it should run in mbq mode. If the ‘mode’ argument is omitted, ‘auth’ is assumed. Optional args may be used to supply additional database configuration. These are:


Declare positive reply string. This string is returned when the underlying database was able to found the requested key. Prior to returning, str is subject to meta-variable expansion, as described above.

Default positive reply string is ‘OK’, unless overridden by the module-level positive-reply option (see positive-reply.


Declare negative reply string. This string is returned when the underlying database failed to found the requested key. Prior to returning, str is subject to meta-variable expansion.

Default negative reply string is ‘NOTFOUND’, unless overridden by the module-level positive-reply option (see negative-reply.


Declare a reply to be returned on error. Prior to returning, str is subject to meta-variable expansion. Default string is ‘NOTFOUND’, unless overridden by the module-level positive-reply option (see onerr-reply.