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6.6.2 LDAP Filter and SMAP Replies

The following keywords configure LDAP lookups and replies.


When constructing a reply, join multiple occurrences of LDAP attribute with string. If this parameter is not defined, only first attribute will be returned.


Specifies LDAP filter. The pattern can use the usual variables (see expansion). For example:

database user ldap filter=(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=$key))

There is no default for this option, so it is mandatory.

Replies are configured via the following three keywords:


Defines a positive reply string. It is used when the LDAP lookup using the defined filter returned one or more objects. Only the first returned object is used. The reply string can contain the basic smap variables ‘$db’, ‘$map’, and ‘$key’. It can also refer to values of any attribute from the returned object using the variable notation. For example:

positive-reply="OK $uid"

returns the string ‘OK’ followed by the value of the uid attribute.

The default positive reply string is ‘OK’.


Defines the negative reply string, which is used when the LDAP lookup returns empy set of objects. The reply string can contain the basic smap variables ‘$db’, ‘$map’, and ‘$key’.

The default negative reply string is ‘NOTFOUND’.


Defines the string to be returned if the LDAP lookup fails. The reply argument can contain the basic smap variables ‘$db’, ‘$map’, and ‘$key’.

The default value is ‘NOTFOUND’.