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3.8 Using inetd Configuration Files

In addition to its native configuration file format, GNU pies is able to read configuration files of several other widely-used utilities. One of these is inetd. The simplest way to use such configuration files is by including them to your main pies.conf using the include-inetd statement:

Config: include-inetd file

Read components from inetd-style configuration file file. The argument may also be a directory, in which case all regular files from that directory are read and parsed as inetd-style configuration files.

The components read from file are appended to the pies list of components in order of their appearance.

For example, the following statement reads components from the standard inetd configuration file:

include-inetd /etc/inetd.conf;

Any number of include-inetd may be specified. For example, the following reads the contents of the /etc/inetd.conf configuration file and all files from the /etc/inetd.d directory:

include-inetd /etc/inetd.conf;
include-inetd /etc/inetd.d;

Another way to read inetd configuration files is to supply them in the command line, like this:

pies --syntax=inetd --config-file /etc/inetd.conf

Notice the --syntax option (see config syntax). It informs pies that the following files are in inetd format. Of course, several configuration file may be given:

pies --syntax=inetd \
     --config-file /etc/inetd.conf --config-file /etc/inetd.d

A special option is provided that instructs pies to behave as inetd:


Read configuration from sysconfdir/inetd.conf and make sure pies state files (see State Files) do not conflict with those from other pies instances.

The GNU Pies package also provides a wrapper that allows to use pies instead of inetd. It is built if the package is configured with the --enable-inetd option. The wrapper is then installed in sbindir as inetd, possibly replacing the system binary of that name.

The command line usage of the inetd wrapper is entirely compatible with that of the usual inetd utility, i.e.:

inetd [option] [config [config...]] [-- pies-options]

Options are:


Increase debug level.

-R rate

Set maximum rate (see max-rate).

For convenience, the following additional options are understood:


Parse configuration file or files and exit. See lint.


Display info about the running instance. See pies-status.


Stop the running instance.

Finally, any additional options pies understands may be given to inetd after the ‘--’ separator.

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