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8.3 Running Pies as Inetd

This configuration file allows to run pies instead of initd. It starts two services: ‘ftp’ and ‘pop3d’, and restricts access to them to two local subnets:

acl {
   allow from;
   allow from;
   deny from any;

debug 3;

component ftp {
   mode inetd;
   socket "inet://";
   umask 027;
   program /usr/sbin/ftpd
   command "ftpd -l -C";

component pop3d {
   mode inetd;
   socket "inet://";
   program "/usr/sbin/pop3d";
   command "pop3d --inetd";

The following is almost equivalent configuration in inetd format:

ftp  stream tcp  nowait  root /usr/sbin/ftpd  ftpd -l -C
pop3 stream tcp  nowait  root /usr/sbin/pop3d pop3d --inetd

This configuration is “almost” equivalent, because the inetd format has no way of specifying ACLs and setting the umask.