PAM-modules Manual

Table of Contents

PAM modules

This edition of the PAM-modules Manual, last updated 11 August 2021, documents PAM-modules Version 2.4.1.

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Top   Up: Top   FastForward: pamck   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

1 Introduction to PAM-modules

PAM-modules is a collection of various pluggable authentication modules. This manual describes each module in detail. The reader is expected to be sufficiently proficient with general UNIX administration issues and with Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) in particular.

Each module is configurable from its command line. Modules that require such amounts of configuration data, that are inconvenient to pass from the command line (see sql), implement their separate configuration files.

Several command line options are common for all modules. These are:


Change debugging level (0 <= level <= 100). The debugging information will be logged via syslog channel auth.debug. Notice, that debugging output can reveal authentication credentials. In particular, user password is displayed on debugging level 100.


Log full debugging information (equivalent to debug=100).


Wait for interval seconds before starting. This option is intended for the package developers and is not enabled, unless you configure the package with --enable-debug option. Most probably you will not need this option. The following description is provided in case you decide to participate in PAM-modules development:

When this option is present, the module displays the following diagnostics in syslog auth.crit channel:


and waits for interval seconds (default 3600) before actually starting to do anything. The developer is supposed to attach to the process with a debugger, set the interval variable to 0 and to continue execution of the module in the debugging mode.

Some modules perform PAM item expansion on their arguments. It is a feature similar to shell’s variable expansion. During item expansion, any occurrence of $name in a string is replaced by the value of the PAM item name. If the item in question is not defined, an empty string is substituted instead. A limited support for the shell-style default values is available: namely, the notation ${item:-value} expands to the value of item if it is set, and to value otherwise. Notice, that value must be a literal value (string or numeric).

The following table lists PAM item names:


PAM_SERVICE. The service name (which identifies the PAM stack that will be used).


PAM_USER. The username of the entity under whose identity service will be given.


PAM_TTY. The terminal name: prefixed by ‘/dev/’ if it is a device file; for graphical, X-based, applications the value for this item is usually the $DISPLAY environment variable.


PAM_RHOST. The requesting hostname (the hostname of the machine from which the PAM_RUSER entity is requesting service). That is ‘PAM_RUSER@PAM_RHOST’ identifies the requesting user. In some applications, PAM_RHOST may be ‘NULL’.


PAM_RUSER. The requesting entity: user’s name for a locally requesting user or a remote requesting user. In some cases, PAM_RUSER may be ‘NULL’.


PAM_USER_PROMPT. The string used when prompting for a user’s name. The default value for this string is ‘Please enter username: ’.


PAM_AUTHTOK. The authentication token (often a password).

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Intro   Up: Top   FastForward: fshadow   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

2 Verify PAM Access

The pamck utility checks if a user can be authenticated using PAM. The user name is specified in the command line, so the simplest invocation is:

$ pamck user

When used this way, pamck first authenticates ‘user’, by calling pam_authenticate, and then performs account management (pam_acct_mgmt). If both functions return success, the utility prints ‘OK’ on the standard output and exits with zero code. In case of failure, it displays diagnostics on standard error and exits with error code 2.

It exits with code 1 in case of usage error (e.g. wrong command line option).

If password is required, the utility asks about it, and waits for the user input. When reading user input, terminal echo is turned off to prevent password compromising.

Alternatively, the password may be given on the command line, as the second argument:

$ pamck user pass

By default, pamck uses PAM service ‘check’. Another service name may be supplied using the -s command line option:

$ pamck -s login user

The -g command line option allows to select the PAM management group to check. It takes the name of the group as an argument. Allowed group names are:


Authentication group. Call pam_authenticate.


Account management. Call pam_acct_mgmt.


Session management. Call pam_open_session.


Session management. Call pam_close_session.


Password management. Call pam_chauthtok.

The following table summarizes available command line options:

-s service

Select service name to use.

-g group

Select PAM management group to check.


Print short help summary and exit.


Print program version and copyright information and exit.

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: pamck   Up: Top   FastForward: regex   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

3 Authentication against an alternative shadow file.

The pam_fshadow module provides authentication against an alternative shadow file, or passwd / shadow pair (or pairs). There are two main operation modes: plain mode, in which pam_fshadow uses only one passwd/shadow pair, and virtual domain mode, which allows to select the pair to use based on the authentication token (the user name). First, let’s describe the plain mode.

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: fshadow   Up: fshadow   FastForward: regex   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

3.1 Using pam_fshadow in plain mode.

Plain mode is the default operation mode for pam_fshadow. In this mode, the module checks the supplied user name and authentication token against the passwd/shadow pair located in the system configuration directory (which is set when configuring the package and defaults to prefix/etc). This default location can be changed using the sysconfdir option (see below). The authentication is performed as follows:

First, the user name is looked up in passwd file and the corresponding record is fetched. If this record contains a valid password hash (i.e. its second field is at least 2 characters long), the system crypt function is called on the supplied authentication token with the retrieved hash as its second argument (the seed) and its result is compared with the hash. If the two strings compare equal, the user is authenticated successfully.

Otherwise, if passwd contains no password, the shadow file is examined and hash retrieved from there is used. If the record retrieved from the shadow file has not expired, and if its password hash field matches the authentication token (using the algorithm described above), the user is authenticated successfully.

Several options are provided to alter the default behavior. All of them, except sysconfdir, have the same effect in the virtual domain mode as well. The table below summarizes these options.


Do not require passwd file to be present. Only shadow is used for authentication.


Do not require shadow file to be present. Only passwd is used for authentication. Notice, that it is an error to specify both nopasswd and noshadow.


Set full name of the directory where shadow and passwd are located. By default the system configuration directory will be used.


Do not prompt the user for password, take it from the saved authentication tokens. This option is useful when pam_fshadow is used as a non-first module in a stack of authentication modules.

The following example illustrates the use of pam_fshadow in plain mode in pam.conf file:

tuhs auth  required \
                      sysconfdir=/home/tuhs/tuhs/etc nopasswd use_authtok

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: fshadow   Up: fshadow   FastForward: regex   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

3.2 Using pam_fshadow in virtual domain mode.

In virtual domain mode, pam_fshadow uses the user name to determine where to look for the passwd/shadow file pair. The name is split into user name proper and authentication domain. The configuration directory name is then constructed by concatenating the system configuration directory, a directory separator character (‘/’), and the name of the authentication domain. Then, authentication proceeds as described above for the plain mode. If the supplied user name does not match the regular expression, pam_fshadow proceeds as in plain mode.

This mode is enabled by the option regex, which supplies a regular expression to split user names. This regular expression must contain two parenthesized groups. First of them is used to extract the user name, and the second one is used to extract the authentication domain. For example, the following option:


instructs pam_fshadow to use any characters before the ‘@’ as the user name, and anything following it as the authentication domain.

Several options are provided, that control the type of regular expression and the way of retrieving authentication data from the user name. These options are:


Use basic regular expression.


Use extended regular expression. This is the default.


Use case-insensitive regular expression.


Use case-sensitive regular expressions (default).


Use group #2 as the user name and group #1 as the authentication domain.

As an example, consider the following pam.conf entry:

check auth required \
   sysconfdir=/etc/auth regex=(.*)@(.*) extended 

It instructs pam_fshadow to use ‘@’ as the username/domain separator and to look up password databases under the /etc/auth directory. For example, if the supplied user name was ‘smith@ftp’, then the module will look for the user name ‘smith’ in files /etc/auth/ftp/passwd and /etc/auth/ftp/shadow.

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: fshadow   Up: fshadow   FastForward: regex   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

3.3 Summary of pam_fshadow options

This section summarizes all pam_fshadow command line options:


Use basic regular expressions. See virtual domain mode.


Use extended regular expression (default). See virtual domain mode.


Use case-insensitive regular expressions. See virtual domain mode.


Use only shadow for authentication. See nopasswd.


Use only passwd for authentication. See noshadow.


Define a regular expression for splitting user name into the proper name and authentication domain.


In the regular expression introduced by regex, group #1 selects authentication domain, and group #2 selects user name. See revert-index.


Assume dir as the system configuration directory. See sysconfdir.


Do not prompt the user for password, take it from the saved authentication tokens.

See use_authtok.

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: fshadow   Up: Top   FastForward: log   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

4 Authentication using regular expressions.

The module pam_regex is a general-purpose tool for authentication using regular expressions. You can use it, for example, to allow or deny access depending on whether the user name matches a given regular expression. Another possible use is to modify user names following a predefined pattern (as in sed), to supply modules that follow it in the PAM stack with a normalized user name.

As a quick start example, the following pam.conf entry forbids access for any user names that look like email addresses:

httpd auth  required sense=deny regex=.*@.*

Here, the argument regex supplies a regular expression to match against, and sense=deny states that any name matching this expression must be denied.

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: regex   Up: regex   FastForward: log   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

4.1 Using pam_regex to control access.

To control access depending on supplied user name, two options are provided. The option regex introduces a regular expression with which to compare a user name:


Compare user name with expression. By default, extended regular expressions with case-sensitive matching are used, but this can be changed using other options (see below).

When this option is used, pam_regex allows only login attempts with user names that match expression. The sense command line option is provided to control that behavior:


What to do if the user name matches the expression. The value ‘allow’ means to return PAM_SUCCESS, ‘deny’ means to return PAM_AUTH_ERR. Default is ‘allow’.

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: regex   Up: regex   FastForward: log   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

4.2 Using pam_regex to alter user names.

Another common use for pam_regex is to alter user names. This mode is enabled when the transform option is used in the command line:


Transform the user name using given regular expression.

Its argument, expression, is a sed-like replace expression of the form:


where regexp is a regular expression, replace is a replacement for each file name part that matches regexp. Both regexp and replace are described in detail in The ‘s’ Command in GNU sed.

As in sed, you can give several replace expressions, separated by a semicolon.

Supported flags are:


Apply the replacement to all matches to the regexp, not just the first.


Use case-insensitive matching


regexp is an extended regular expression (see Extended regular expressions in GNU sed).


Only replace the numberth match of the regexp.

Note: the posix standard does not specify what should happen when you mix the ‘g’ and number modifiers. Pam_regex follows the GNU sed implementation in this regard, so the interaction is defined to be: ignore matches before the numberth, and then match and replace all matches from the numberth on.

Any delimiter can be used in lieue of ‘/’, the only requirement being that it be used consistently throughout the expression. For example, the following two expressions are equivalent:


Changing delimiters is often useful when the regex contains slashes. For instance, it is more convenient to write s,/,-, than s/\//-/.

The following example converts the user name to lower case and removes any suffix starting from the ‘@’ symbol: extended transform=s/.*/\L&/g;s/@.*// 

Both transform and regex can be used simultaneously. For example, the following command line first converts the user name to lower case and removes anything after the ‘@’ symbol, and then compares it to the given regular expression. Access is denied if the resulting user name matches the expression. extended transform=s/.*/\L&/g;s/@.*// \
             regex=^(anoncvs|anonymous)$ sense=deny

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: regex   Up: regex   FastForward: log   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

4.3 Summary of pam_regex options:


Use basic regular expressions.


Use case-sensitive regular expressions (default).


Use extended regular expressions (default).


Use case-insensitive regular expressions.


Compare user name with expression.


What to do if user name matches the expression. The value ‘allow’ means to return PAM_SUCCESS, ‘deny’ means to return PAM_AUTH_ERR. Default is ‘allow’.


Upon successful matching, set PAM user name to string.

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: regex   Up: Top   FastForward: sql   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

5 Log arbitrary messages to syslog.

The pam_log module is a diagnostic tool. It works similarly to the shell echo command, outputting its arguments to the syslog. The module can be used in any PAM service stack.

In order to be discerned from arguments, all pam_log’s options begin with a dash (‘-’). They must precede any non-option arguments. If the first non-option argument happens to begin with a dash, you can inhibit its special handling by placing ‘--’ before it.

After collecting all options, the module scans the rest of its command line arguments, performs item expansion (see item expansion) and outputs the resulting string to the syslog.

The following table lists all the supported options:


Similar to audit in other modules (see Intro).


Similar to debug in other modules (see Intro).


Reserved for future use.


Similar to waitdebug in other modules (see Intro).


Send log messages to the given syslog facility and priority. The facility part can be any of: ‘user’, ‘daemon’, ‘auth’, ‘authpriv’, ‘local0’, ‘local1’, ‘local2’, ‘local3’, ‘local4’, ‘local5’, ‘local6’, ‘local7’.

The priority is any of the following: ‘emerg’, ‘alert’, ‘crit’, ‘err’, ‘warning’, ‘notice’, ‘info’, ‘debug’.

Either facility or priority (but not both) can be omitted, in which case the following defaults are used: facility=authpriv, priority=info.


Use label as the syslog tag, instead of the module name.

The following example illustrates the use of this module:

cvs auth       required extended \
    regex=^(anoncvs|anonymous)$ sense=allow 
cvs account    requisite -tag CVS-ACCESS \ User ${user:-unknown} is granted CVS access
cvs account    required
cvs session    required

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: log   Up: Top   FastForward: ldaphome   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

6 SQL Authentication and Session Management.

The package provides two modules for SQL authentication and session management: pam_mysql, for MySQL and pam_pgsql for PostgreSQL. Both modules share the same set of options and provide similar functionality.

Connecting to an SQL database requires a set of credentials that cannot be conveniently passed via the command line. Therefore, both SQL modules use a special configuration file to obtain the necessary data. By default, this file is located in the system configuration directory (usually, /usr/local/etc), and is named pam_sql.conf. However, another location can be specified in the command line, using config command line option.

The command line options understood by both modules are:


Read SQL access credentials from the given file.


Do not prompt the user for password, take it from the saved authentication tokens. This option is useful when this module is not the first in the stack of authentication modules.

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: sql   Up: sql   FastForward: ldaphome   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

6.1 Configuration File.

Configuration file has a simple line-oriented syntax. Empty lines and lines beginning with ‘#’ are ignored. Nonempty lines consist of a keyword and its value, separated by any amount of white space.

Long statements can be split over several lines by placing ‘\’ character at the end of each line, e.g.:

query select password \
      from users \
      where user_name='$user'

Basic configuration statements provide SQL credentials needed for accessing the database:

host hostname

Sets hostname or IP address of the machine where the database is running. If the database is only listening on the local socket (--skip-networking for MySQL, or lack of -i for PostgreSQL), then host should be the name of the local socket.

port number

Sets the SQL port number. This statement is optional. Use it only if your database is running on a port different from the standard.

db database

Sets database name.

login string

Sets SQL user name.

pass password

Sets SQL user password.

default-file file

Name of the MySQL default file, which should be consulted in order to obtain connection parameters and credentials. When specified, the keywords described above become optional.

default-group name

Name of the group in MySQL default file to use. Default is ‘mysql’. This keyword is meaningful only if default-file is given.

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: sql   Up: sql   FastForward: ldaphome   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

6.2 Using SQL modules in authentication stack.

When used in the auth stack, both SQL modules work as follows. First, the module connects to the database using credentials supplied in the configuration file (see the previous section). Then, it retrieves the value of passwd-query from the configuration file and performs PAM item expansion over it (see item expansion). The resulting query is sent to the SQL server. If this query produces a non-empty result, the first column from the first tuple is used as encrypted user password and compared with the supplied authentication token. If it matches, the user is authenticated successfully. The comparison consists of the following checks, performed in that order until one of them returns match or the list is exhausted:

  1. System crypt function.
  2. MySQL password encoding algorithm (for MySQL only)
  3. Compare MD5 sum of the token with the encrypted password.
  4. Compare passwords using LDAP algorithm.
  5. Compare both strings literally (only if allow-plaintext-pass is set in the configuration file.

The following configuration keywords can be used to disable or enable particular stages of the comparison. The value bool should be ‘yes’, ‘true’ or ‘t’ to indicate true. Any other value is taken to mean false.

allow-plaintext-pass bool

The returned password may be plaintext. Without this option, it is supposed to be encrypted using the system crypt function.

allow-ldap-pass bool

The returned password may be a LDAP-style password hash, i.e. the hash value encoded as base-64 and prefixed with a hashing algorithm name in curly braces. This variable is true by default.

allow-md5-pass bool

The returned password may be encrypted using MySQL md5 function. This keyword is specific for pam_mysql.

allow-mysql-pass bool

The returned password may be encrypted using MySQL password function. This keyword is specific for pam_mysql.

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: sql   Up: sql   FastForward: ldaphome   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

6.3 Setting PAM environment from an SQL database.

This is an experimental feature, available when compiled with Linux PAM libraries. It allows to pass some additional information from the database to the application program using PAM environment.

Special configuration keyword setenv-query defines an SQL query for setting the environment. After expanding PAM items (see item expansion), this query is executed and the first tuple (row) is taken from its result. Each column in this tuple creates an environment variable: the column name becomes the name of environment variable, the column value becomes the variable value.

Consider for example, the following SQL table:

CREATE TABLE userprop (
  username varchar(32),
  dir varchar(128),
  uid int,
  gid int

which contains, among others, the following data:

("smith", "/var/spool/dir/1", 16, 10000)

Let the configuration file contain this query definition:

setenv-query SELECT dir as home, uid, gid \
             FROM userprop \
             WHERE username='$user'

Now assume that the user ‘smith’ is authenticated using pam_mysql. The setenv-query is executed. Then, after pam_authenticate the PAM environment will contain:


PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: sql   Up: sql   FastForward: ldaphome   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

6.4 Using SQL modules for session management.

Both pam_mysql and pam_pgsql can be used for session management. This makes it possible to use your SQL database instead of system wtmp/utmp files, or as a complement to them.

To enable SQL session management, the configuration file must define the following two variables:

session-start-query query

Defines the query to be executed when the session begins.

session-stop-query query

Defines the query to be executed when the session ends.

Before executing, both queries are subject to item expansion (see item expansion).

As an example, consider the following configuration file statements:

session-start-query INSERT INTO acct \
                    (status, username, tty, starttime) \
                    VALUES(0, '$user', now(), '$tty')
session-stop-query  UPDATE acct \
                    SET status=1,
                        sessiontime=age(now(), starttime) \
                    WHERE username='$user'

They assume that the PostgreSQL table ‘acct’ has the following structure:

status int

Status of the record: ‘0’ if the session is active, ‘1’ if it is closed.

username varchar(32)

User name.

tty varchar(16)

TTY from where the user logged in.

starttime timestamp

Time when the session was started.

sessiontime interval

Duration of the session if status=1.

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: sql   Up: sql   FastForward: ldaphome   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

6.5 Summary of configuration statements.

This section summarizes all available configuration file statements. For each statement it provides a short description and a reference to the section in this manual where it is described.

allow-ldap-pass bool

The returned password may be a LDAP-style password hash, i.e. the hash value encoded as base-64 and prefixed with a hashing algorithm name in curly braces. This variable is true by default. See sql auth.

allow-md5l-pass bool

The returned password may be encrypted using MySQL md5 function. This keyword is specific for pam_mysql. See sql auth.

allow-mysql-pass bool

The returned password may be encrypted using MySQL password function. This keyword can be used only in pam_mysql configuration. See sql auth.

allow-plaintext-pass bool

The returned password may be plaintext. Without this option, it is supposed to be encrypted using the system crypt function. See sql auth.

db database

Sets the database name. See config.

port number

Defines the SQL port number. See config.

login string

Sets the SQL user name. See config.

pass password

Sets the SQL user password. See config.

passwd-query query

Defines the query used to obtain the user’s password from the database. The query is subject to item expansion (see item expansion).

See sql auth, for a detailed description.

session-start-query query

Defines the query to be executed on session start. The query is subject to item expansion (see item expansion). See sql session, for a detailed description.

session-stop-query query

Defines the query to be executed on session stop. The query is subject to item expansion (see item expansion). See sql session, for a detailed description.

setenv-query query

This query is available when the package is compiled with Linux PAM implementation. It allows to select arbitrary data from the database and to store them in PAM environment. The first tuple returned from query is selected, the column names are used as environment variable names, and column values as their values.

The query is subject to item expansion (see item expansion).

See sql setenv, for a detailed description.

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: sql   Up: Top   FastForward: umotd   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

7 pam_ldaphome

The pam_ldaphome facilitates maintenance of a centralized LDAP user database. It can be installed as a part of authentication or session management stack. When invoked, it creates the user home directory, if it does not already exist, and ensures his .ssh/authorized_keys is in sync with the database.

Apart from common options, this module understands only one implementation-specific option:


Read configuration from file. Default is pam_ldaphome.conf in sysconfdir.

Actual module configuration is read from the configuration file.

PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: ldaphome   Up: ldaphome   FastForward: umotd   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

7.1 Configuration file for pam_ldaphome

Pam_ldaphome reads its configuration from two files: the configuration file supplied with the config command line option and the system-wide LDAP configuration file /etc/ldap.conf.

The syntax of the former is described in SQL configuration file. Allowed keywords are discussed below.

The syntax of the /etc/ldap.conf configuration file is described in LDAP configuration file in ldap.conf(5) manpage. Its parsing can be suppressed using the ldap-config statement (see below).

From /etc/ldap.conf, the following statements are used: ‘base’, ‘binddn’, ‘bindpw’, ‘tls_cacert’, ‘uri’. The ‘ssl’ statement is understood if its value is ‘start_tls’ or ‘off’. Other values are silently ignored.

In general, all statements defined below can appear in both files. However, since /etc/ldap.conf is read by other system utilities as well, we do not recommend using pam_ldaphome-specific keywords in it.

The values read from pam_ldaphome configuration file override those obtained from the standard LDAP configuration file.

LDAP configuration

pam_ldaphome config: base searchbase

Use searchbase as the starting point for the search instead of the default, e.g.:

base dc=gnu,dc=org,dc=ua
pam_ldaphome config: binddn dn

Use the Distinguished Name dn to bind to the LDAP directory. Example:

binddn cn=Manager,dc=gnu,dc=org,dc=ua
pam_ldaphome config: bindpw password

If binddn statement is used, this statement supplies the password for simple authentication.

pam_ldaphome config: bindpwfile file

Read password for simple authentication from file.

pam_ldaphome config: filter expr

Sets the LDAP filter expression to return a user profile. The expr should conform to the string representation for search filters as defined in RFC 4515.

pam_ldaphome config: ldap-config file

Read LDAP configuration from file (default – /etc/ldap.conf). Special value ‘none’ disables this feature.

pam_ldaphome config: ldap-version v

Sets the LDAP version to use. Valid values for v are ‘2’ and ‘3’ (the default).

pam_ldaphome config: pubkey-attr text

Defines the name of the attribute which holds the user public key.

pam_ldaphome config: tls val

Controls whether TLS is desired or required. If val is ‘no’ (the default), TLS will not be used. If it is ‘yes’, the module will issue the ‘StartTLS’ command, but will continue anyway if it fails. Finally, if val is ‘only’, TLS is mandatory, and the module will not establish LDAP connection unless ‘StartTLS’ succeeds.

pam_ldaphome config: tls-cacert val
pam_ldaphome config: tls_cacert val

Full pathname to the CA certificate file. Used if TLS is enabled. The second form (‘tls_cacert’) is for use in /etc/ldap.conf file.

pam_ldaphome config: uri arg

Sets the URI of the LDAP server to consult for the user profile. Example:

uri ldap://

Home directory creation

pam_ldaphome config: allow-home-dir path

If present, this option controls where pam_ldaphome should try to create home directories. Its value is a list of directories separated by colons. The user’s home directory will be created only if the directory part of its name is listed in path.

pam_ldaphome config: copy-buf-size n

Sets the size of the buffer used to copy files from the skeleton directory to the newly created home. The default size is 16384 bytes.

pam_ldaphome config: home-dir-mode mode

Sets the mode (octal) for the created user directories.

pam_ldaphome config: skel dir

Supplies the name of a skeleton directory. The contents of this directory is copied to the newly created user home directory. The file modes and permissions are preserved.

Authorized keys file

pam_ldaphome config: authorized_keys name

Sets the pathname (relative to the home directory) for the authorized keys file. The default is ‘.ssh/authorized_keys’. For normal operation, this value must be the same as the value of ‘AuthorizedKeysFile’ variable in sshd_config. Unless you change the latter, there’s no need to edit it.

pam_ldaphome config: import-public-keys bool

When set to ‘no’, disables importing public keys from LDAP. You may wish to use this option if you are using openssh 6.1 or later with ldappubkey as ‘AuthorizedKeysCommand’.

pam_ldaphome config: keyfile-mode mode

Sets the mode (octal) for the created authorized keys file.

pam_ldaphome config: user-keys-boundary string

User key files can contain both keys managed by pam_ldaphome and added by the user. These two groups of keys must be separated by a special comment line, which informs the module that all keys below it must be retained.

This feature is enabled by the user-keys-boundary setting. The delimiting comment is formed as ‘#string’. E.g. if the configuration file contains:

user-keys-boundary :user-defined

then the line ‘#:user-defined’ can be used to delimit ldap-synchronized and user-specific keys.

Access control

pam_ldaphome config: allow-groups group [group...]

Only handle members of the listed groups.

pam_ldaphome config: min-gid n

Sets the minimal GID. For users with GIDs less than n, pam_ldaphome returns PAM_SUCCESS immediately.

pam_ldaphome config: min-uid n

Sets the minimal UID. For users with UIDs less than n, pam_ldaphome returns PAM_SUCCESS immediately. This allows you to have a set of basic users whose credentials are kept in the system database and who will not be disturbed by pam_ldaphome. See also ‘min-gid’ and ‘allow-groups’.

Initialization script

The following statements instruct pam_ldaphome to invoke an external command after initializing the user home directory. This can be used to customize the files copied from the skeleton directory according to the user.

pam_ldaphome config: exec-timeout seconds

Sets maximum time the initrc-command is allowed to run. If it runs longer than seconds, it will be terminated with a ‘SIGKILL’, and the module will return PAM_SYSTEM_ERR.

pam_ldaphome config: initrc-command command

Run command after populating the user home directory with files from the skeleton directory.

The user login name is passed to the command as its argument. Before invoking, the current working directory is changed to the user home, standard input is closed, and standard output is redirected to standard errror.

The command is run under the current user privileges, unless the variable initrc-root is set to true.

The command should exit with code 0 on success. If it exits with a non-zero code, pam_ldaphome will report ‘PAM_SYSTEM_ERR’.

pam_ldaphome config: initrc-root bool

When set to true, initrc-command will be run with root privileges. In this case, the environment variable PAM_LDAPHOME_USER will be initialized to the name of the user who is trying to log in.

pam_ldaphome config: initrc-log file

This statement redirects the standard output and error from the initrc-command to file.

pam_ldaphome config: initrc-environ env ...

Modifies the environment of initrc-command.

This statement takes one or more arguments. Each argument can be one of:

- (a dash)

Clear the environment. This is understood only when used as the first argument.


Unset the environment variable name.


Unset the environment variable name only if its value is val.


Retain the environment variable name.


Define environment variable name to have given value.


Retain variable name and append value to its existing value. If no such variable is present in the environment, it is created and value is assigned to it. However, if value begins with a punctuation character, this character is removed from it before the assignment. This is convenient for using this construct with environment variables like PATH, e.g.:


In this example, if PATH exists, ‘:/sbin’ will be appended to it. Otherwise, it will be created and ‘/sbin’ will be assigned to it.


Retain variable name and prepend value to its existing value. If no such variable is present in the environment, it is created and value is assigned to it. However, if value ends with a punctuation character, this character is removed from it before assignment.

The value part can be enclosed in single or double quotes, in which case the usual shell dequoting rules apply.

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7.2 Example of pam_ldaphome configuration

This example assumes you are using GNU/Linux. The aim of this configuration is to allow remote access via sshd to users present only in the LDAP database, using ssh shared-key authentication. The exact way of achieving this depends on the version of opennsh daemon in use. The openssh version 6.2p1 introduced a possibility to obtain public keys by invoking an external command, so there are two main usage cases, as described in the subsections that follow.

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7.2.1 Openssh versions prior to 6.2p1

The user public keys are kept in ‘grayPublicKey’ attribute of his LDAP entry. When a user logs in for the first time, his home directory does not exist yet and consequently sshd is not able to verify his key. Therefore it falls back to the interactive authentication (it is supposed, of course, that ‘UsePAM’ is set to ‘yes’ in the sshd configuration file). The authentication stage is supposed to create user home directory, populate his .ssh/authorized_keys with his public keys and present user with a descriptive text prompting him to cancel his current authentication attempt and retry it again. The corresponding pam.conf section looks as follows:


sshd auth [success=ok try_again=1 default=die] \ 
sshd auth [success=done ignore=ignore default=die] \
sshd auth [default=die] file=/etc/ldaphome.txt

The first line does most of the job. If succeeds in creating the user directory it will return ‘try_again’. This will cause skipping the next stack entry, so control will go to, which will print a descriptive text from /etc/ldaphome.txt and exit indicating authentication failure.

The module returns ‘success’ if the user who is trying to log in should not be handled by it (e.g. because his UID is less than the ‘min-uid’ setting, etc.). In this case, authentication will be handled by This allows normal system accounts to function as usual. This is very important, because it will allow to access the machine even when the LDAP database is not available for some reason.


The configuration handles users with uids and gids greater than or equal to 1000 and pertaining to the group ‘remote’. User home dirs are populated from the /etc/skel directory.

min-uid 1000
min-gid 1000
allow-groups remote 
skel /etc/skel
base dc=gnu,dc=org,dc=ua
filter (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=$user))
pubkey-attr grayPublicKey


The LDAP schema should include an attribute to keep the user public keys. The author uses the following schema:

# depends upon:
#    nis.schema

# Attribute Definitions
attributetype ( NAME 'grayPublicKey'
    DESC 'SSH public key'
    EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match
    SYNTAX )
# Object Class Definitions
objectclass ( NAME 'grayAccount'
    DESC 'Abstraction of an employee account'
    SUP posixAccount AUXILIARY
    MUST ( cn $ uid $ uidNumber $ gidNumber $ homeDirectory )
    MAY ( userPassword $ loginShell $ gecos $ grayPublicKey ) )


The ‘passwd’ and ‘group’ entries in /etc/nsswitch.conf file should be as follows:

passwd:         files ldap
group:          files ldap

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7.2.2 Openssh versions 6.2p1 and newer

Versions of openssh starting from 6.2p1 are able to read public keys from the standard output of an external program. This can be used to improve the configuration described in the previous subsection so that the user is not required to cancel his session upon the very first connection. To that effect, pam-modules includes the utility ldappubkey, distributed in the examples subdirectory (see ldappubkey). Copy that utility to a convenient location (/usr/libexec would be a wise choice), and add the following two lines to your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:

AuthorizedKeysCommand           /usr/libexec/ldappubkeys
AuthorizedKeysCommandUser       nobody

Two points should be observed. First, the argument to AuthorizedKeysCommand (and all its pathname components) must be owned by root and be writable only for the owner. Second, the use of AuthorizedKeysCommandUser statement is mandatory. Of course, you can chose any suitable user (not necessarily ‘nobody’).

After restarting sshd, it will invoke ldappubkeys on each log in attempt with the login name of the user as its argument. The utility will look up that user in the LDAP database, and if found, will print his piblic keys on its standard output. The sshd will then read the keys and try to authorize user against each of them. If none of the keys matches the private key supplied by the user, sshd will attempt public keys read from the user’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file (or another file, if overridden by the AuthorizedKeysFile statement in /etc/ssh/sshd_config).

Most of the configuration described in the previous subsection remains in effect. However, the authentication stack won’t be invoked if ldappubkeys functions successfully. The pam_ldaphome module must be invoked as a part of ‘session’ stack instead. The following example assumes it is invoked at the top of the stack:

sshd session [success=ignore try_again=ignore default=die] \

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7.3 ldappubkey

The ldappubkey utility is a simple Perl program which takes user login name as its argument and produces on the standard output public ssh keys for that user, each on a separate line. The program is designed for use with openssh version 6.2p1 or higher. It is distributed in the examples subdirectory and is not installed by default. The only prerequisite for its use is the Net::LDAP module. See Use of pam_ldaphome with openssh version 6.2p1, for instructions of its use.

The utility looks up for its configuration in the following files: /etc/ldap.conf, /etc/ldap/ldap.conf and /etc/openldap/ldap.conf. These files are tried in this order and the first one of them that exists is read.

The following configuration statements are used (all keywords are case-insensitive):

ldap.conf: uri ldap[si]://[name[:port]] ...

Specifies the URI of the LDAP server (or servers) to connect to. The default is ‘ldap://’.

ldap.conf: base dn

Specifies the default base DN to use when performing LDAP operations. The base must be specified as a Distinguished Name in LDAP format.

ldap.conf: binddn dn

Specifies the default DN to bind as.

ldap.conf: bindpw password

Specifies the password to use with binddn.

ldap.conf: uid attr

Defines the name of the attribute to use instead of uid. The LDAP record is searched using the following filter:

ldap.conf: publickeyattribute attr [attr...]

List of attributes that hold the public keys. Default is ‘grayPublicKey’ (see ldap-schema).

ldap.conf: publickeyfilter filter

LDAP filter used to retrieve the objects that contain public keys. The filter string can contain the following variables:


The value of the ‘uid’ setting (see above).


First command line argument.


Full hostname of the machine.

The default value is:


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7.4 usergitconfig

The examples subdirectory of the pam-modules distribution contains a program usergitconfig which is designed to customize user’s .gitconfig file using attributes from his LDAP entry.

The command reads the .gitconfig file and replaces any occurrence of ‘${attr}’ with the value of the LDAP attribute attr. Not defined attributes are replaced with empty strings.

To use this utility with pam_ldaphome, first make sure you have Perl Net::LDAP module installed. Copy usergitconfig to some location of preference (say, /usr/libexec), and add the following to pam_ldaphome configuration file:

skel /etc/skel
initrc-command /usr/libexec/usergitconfig

The /etc/skel directory should contain the file .gitconfig. Suppose its contents is as follows:

        name = ${cn}
        email = ${mail}

Then, after successful completion of pam_ldaphome, the user’s .gitconfig file will contain his real name and email set properly from the database.

For the gituserconfig LDAP configuration options, see ldap.conf statements.

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8 pam_umotd

The pam_umotd module displays a user-specific message of the day (MOTD). The text can be taken either from a disk file, or read from the standard output of a program launched for that purpose.

This module is Linux-specific.

The module is normally started as a part of the session stack, e.g.:

session optional file=/etc/motd

The file option specifies the file to read the MOTD from. By default the output size is limited to 2000 bytes (a usual 80x25 screen-worth of characters). If the input file is bigger than that, it will be truncated. The size limit can be controlled using the max-size parameter:

session optional max-size=1024 file=/etc/motd

Another safety-related parameter is max-la, which controls the maximum 5-minute load average, under which the message will be displayed. If the current LA is greater than this value, the module will return immediately without displaying anything1.

The MOTD can be generated on the fly, by launching an external program and displaying its output. This allows you to create dynamic, user-specific MOTDs. To select this mode, use the exec parameter. The rest of arguments after this parameter are taken to be the name of the program to be run and its command line arguments. Before starting the program, the arguments undergo item expansion (see item expansion). For example:

session optional max-size=1024 max-la=5.0 timeout=5 \
           exec /usr/bin/genmotd ${user} ${tty}

This example runs the program /usr/bin/genmotd passing it the user login name and the tty name as its argument. Notice the timeout parameter, which controls the maximum time (in seconds) the program will be allowed to run. If it runs longer than that, it will be killed. The default timeout is 10 seconds.

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8.1 Summary of pam_umotd options

This section summarizes the options understood by pam_umotd.


Read and display text from file filename.


Execute a program and display its output. The rest of arguments after this parameter are taken to be the program name and its command line arguments. The arguments are subject to item expansion (see item expansion). The program inherits the current environment.


Limit the execution time of the program started via the exec option to n seconds. The default value is 10.


Limit the output size to n bytes. Default is 2000.


Exit immediately if the 5-minute load average is greater than or equal to d (a floating-point number).

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9 pam_groupmember

The pam_groupmember module checks whether the user is member of one or more groups. Both primary and supplementary groups are checked. The list of groups to be checked is given with the groups option. Its argument is a comma-separated list of group names of numeric IDs, prefixed with ‘+’ sign.

The module returns PAM_SUCCESS if the user is member of one of the supplied groups and PAM_AUTH_ERR on otherwise. The return value can be inverted using the sense=deny option.

Additionally, the module can return PAM_USER_UNKNOWN if the user is not known and PAM_AUTHINFO_UNAVAIL if unable to retrieve the user name.

The pam_groupmember module can be used in any PAM service stack.

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9.1 Summary of pam_groupmember options


Defines groups to check against. The argument is a comma-separated list of group names or IDs. Group IDs must be prefixed with a plus sign.


What to do on success. The value ‘allow’ means to return PAM_SUCCESS, ‘deny’ means to return PAM_AUTH_ERR. Default is ‘allow’.

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10 Check NIS netgroup

The pam_innetgr module checks if the user and current host match a triple in the NIS netgroup supplied via the ‘netgroup’ argument. It returns success if so, and ‘PAM_AUTH_ERR’ otherwise.

Another possible return values are: ‘PAM_AUTHINFO_UNAVAIL’, if the input information was not sufficient (e.g. the username was not supplied, or the module was unable to determine the host or domain name), and ‘PAM_SERVICE_ERR’, if a generic error condition (such as a lack of memory) occurred.

In order to determine host and domain name parts, the following approach is used. First, the ‘gethostname’ function is called to obtain the hostname part. If the ‘getdomainname’ function is available, it is used to determine the domain part. If the resulting domain part is ‘NULL’ or the string ‘(none)’, the ‘gethostbyname’ function is invoked with the hostname as its argument. The returned name (technically speaking, the ‘h_name’ member of the ‘struct hostent’) is used as the canonical name of the server. It is split on the first occurrence of the dot character. The second part is used as the domain name. The options described below control this process.

This module can be used in any PAM service stack.

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10.1 Summary of pam_innetgr options

The following table summarizes the options specific for this module. See common options, for the list of common options.


Name of the netgroup to use. This option is mandatory.


Defines the hostname of the current host. By default it is determined using the gethostname system call.


Defines the domainname of the current host.


Disable the use of getdomainname libc function. By default it is used to determine the domain name. If it fails or returns a string ‘(none)’, than the module tries to get the fully qualified name of the server and uses the part after the first dot as the domain name. Using the ‘nogetdomainname’ option instructs it to always use the latter method.

Never use this option together with ‘noresove’.


Don’t fallback to obtaining the fully qualified domain name of the host from DNS in order to obtain the domain part. This means that if getdomainname call fails or is not available on your system, the module will return PAM_SERVICE_ERR.

Never use this option together with ‘nogetdomainname’.


What to do on success. The value ‘allow’ means to return PAM_SUCCESS, ‘deny’ means to return PAM_AUTH_ERR. Default is ‘allow’.

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11 How to Report a Bug

Email bug reports to

As the purpose of bug reporting is to improve software, please be sure to include maximum information that is needed to reproduce the bug. The information needed is:

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Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.2, November 2002
Copyright © 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
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    The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document free in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others.

    This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software.

    We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


    This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that work under the conditions stated herein. The “Document”, below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as “you”. You accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission under copyright law.

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    The “Invariant Sections” are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. If a section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none.

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    A section “Entitled XYZ” means a named subunit of the Document whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a specific section name mentioned below, such as “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, “Endorsements”, or “History”.) To “Preserve the Title” of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a section “Entitled XYZ” according to this definition.

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    8. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
    9. Preserve the section Entitled “History”, Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled “History” in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence.
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    The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

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PAM-modules Manual:   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Copying This Manual   Up: Top     Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

Concept Index

This is a general index of all issues discussed in this manual.

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Index Entry  Section
-audit, pam_log option, summary: log
-debug, pam_log option, summary: log
-noopen, pam_log option, summary: log
-pri, pam_log option, summary: log
-tag, pam_log option, summary: log
-waitdebug, pam_log option, summary: log
allow-ldap-pass, pam_sql configuration keyword, described: sql auth
allow-ldap-pass, pam_sql configuration keyword, summary: sql summary
allow-md5-pass, pam_mysql configuration keyword: sql auth
allow-md5-pass, pam_sql configuration keyword, summary: sql summary
allow-mysql-pass, pam_mysql configuration keyword: sql auth
allow-mysql-pass, pam_sql configuration keyword, summary: sql summary
allow-plaintext-pass, pam_sql configuration keyword, described: sql auth
allow-plaintext-pass, pam_sql configuration keyword, summary: sql summary
audit, common option: Intro
authentication, pam_mysql: sql auth
authentication, pam_pgsql: sql auth
authentication, SQL: sql auth
basic, pam_fshadow option, introduced: virtual domain mode
basic, pam_fshadow option, summary: summary of pam_fshadow options
basic, pam_regex option, summary: summary of pam_regex options
case, pam_fshadow option, introduced: virtual domain mode
case, pam_regex option, summary: summary of pam_regex options
config, pam_ldaphome option: ldaphome
config, pam_mysql option: sql
config, pam_pgsql option: sql
config, pam_sql option: sql
configuration file, pam_mysql: config
configuration file, pam_pgsql: config
db, pam_sql configuration keyword, described: config
db, pam_sql configuration keyword, summary: sql summary
debug, common option: Intro
debugging hints: Intro
default-file, pam_sql configuration keyword, described: config
default-group, pam_sql configuration keyword, described: config
domainname, pam_innetgr option, summary: summary of pam_innetgr options
enable-debug, --enable-debug, configure option: Intro
enabling virtual domain mode, pam_fshadow: virtual domain mode
environment, setting from pam_mysql or pam_pgsql: sql setenv
exec, pam_umotd option, summary: summary of pam_umotd options
expansion, PAM item: Intro
extended, pam_fshadow option, introduced: virtual domain mode
extended, pam_fshadow option, summary: summary of pam_fshadow options
extended, pam_regex option, summary: summary of pam_regex options
FDL, GNU Free Documentation License: Copying This Manual
file, pam_umotd option, summary: summary of pam_umotd options
g, transform flag, pam_regex: user name transformation
group membership: groupmember
groupmember: groupmember
groups, pam_umotd option, summary: summary of pam_groupmember options
host, pam_sql configuration keyword, described: config
host, pam_sql configuration keyword, summary: sql summary
hostname, pam_innetgr option, summary: summary of pam_innetgr options
i, transform flag, pam_regex: user name transformation
icase, pam_fshadow option, introduced: virtual domain mode
icase, pam_fshadow option, summary: summary of pam_fshadow options
icase, pam_regex option, summary: summary of pam_regex options
ignore-case, pam_fshadow option, introduced: virtual domain mode
ignore-case, pam_fshadow option, summary: summary of pam_fshadow options
ignore-case, pam_regex option, summary: summary of pam_regex options
ldappubkey: ldappubkey
Linux PAM: sql setenv
login, pam_sql configuration keyword, described: config
login, pam_sql configuration keyword, summary: sql summary
max-la, pam_umotd option, summary: summary of pam_umotd options
max-size, pam_umotd option, summary: summary of pam_umotd options
message of the day: umotd
motd: umotd
MySQL, using for authentication: sql
netgroup, pam_innetgr option, summary: summary of pam_innetgr options
netgroups: innetgr
NIS: innetgr
nogetdomainname, pam_innetgr option, summary: summary of pam_innetgr options
nopasswd, pam_fshadow option, introduced: plain mode
nopasswd, pam_fshadow option, summary: summary of pam_fshadow options
noresolve, pam_innetgr option, summary: summary of pam_innetgr options
noshadow, pam_fshadow option, introduced: plain mode
noshadow, pam_fshadow option, summary: summary of pam_fshadow options
PAM item expansion: Intro
pamck: pamck
pam_fshadow: fshadow
pam_fshadow, plain: plain mode
pam_fshadow, virtual domain: virtual domain mode
pam_innetgr: innetgr
pam_log: log
pam_mysql: sql
pam_mysql authentication: sql auth
pam_pgsql: sql
pam_pgsql authentication: sql auth
pam_regex: regex
pass, pam_sql configuration keyword, described: config
pass, pam_sql configuration keyword, summary: sql summary
passwd-query, pam_sql configuration keyword, described: sql auth
passwd-query, pam_sql configuration keyword, summary: sql summary
plain mode, pam_fshadow: plain mode
port, pam_sql configuration keyword, described: config
PostreSQL, using for authentication: sql
regex, pam_fshadow option, introduced: virtual domain mode
regex, pam_fshadow option, summary: summary of pam_fshadow options
regex, pam_regex option, described: access control
regex, pam_regex option, summary: summary of pam_regex options
revert-index, pam_fshadow option, introduced: virtual domain mode
revert-index, pam_fshadow option, summary: summary of pam_fshadow options
sense, pam_innetgr option, summary: summary of pam_innetgr options
sense, pam_regex option, described: access control
sense, pam_regex option, summary: summary of pam_regex options
sense, pam_umotd option, summary: summary of pam_groupmember options
session management, SQL: sql session
session-start-query, pam_sql configuration keyword, described: sql session
session-start-query, pam_sql configuration keyword, summary: sql summary
session-stop-query, pam_sql configuration keyword, described: sql session
session-stop-query, pam_sql configuration keyword, summary: sql summary
setenv-query, pam_sql configuration keyword, described: sql setenv
setenv-query, pam_sql configuration keyword, summary: sql summary
SQL authentication: sql auth
SQL session management: sql session
sysconfdir, pam_fshadow option, introduced: plain mode
sysconfdir, pam_fshadow option, summary: summary of pam_fshadow options
test group membership: groupmember
timeout, pam_umotd option, summary: summary of pam_umotd options
transform, pam_regex option, described: user name transformation
user, pam_regex option, summary: summary of pam_regex options
usergitconfig: usergitconfig
use_authtok, pam_fshadow option, introduced: plain mode
use_authtok, pam_fshadow option, summary: summary of pam_fshadow options
use_authtok, pam_mysql option: sql
use_authtok, pam_pgsql option: sql
use_authtok, pam_sql option: sql
virtual domain mode, enabling (pam_fshadow): virtual domain mode
virtual domain mode, pam_fshadow: virtual domain mode
waitdebug, common option: Intro
x, transform flag, pam_regex: user name transformation
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As of version 2.4.1 this functionality relies on the file /proc/loadavg.