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7.4 usergitconfig

The examples subdirectory of the pam-modules distribution contains a program usergitconfig which is designed to customize user’s .gitconfig file using attributes from his LDAP entry.

The command reads the .gitconfig file and replaces any occurrence of ‘${attr}’ with the value of the LDAP attribute attr. Not defined attributes are replaced with empty strings.

To use this utility with pam_ldaphome, first make sure you have Perl Net::LDAP module installed. Copy usergitconfig to some location of preference (say, /usr/libexec), and add the following to pam_ldaphome configuration file:

skel /etc/skel
initrc-command /usr/libexec/usergitconfig

The /etc/skel directory should contain the file .gitconfig. Suppose its contents is as follows:

        name = ${cn}
        email = ${mail}

Then, after successful completion of pam_ldaphome, the user’s .gitconfig file will contain his real name and email set properly from the database.

For the gituserconfig LDAP configuration options, see ldap.conf statements.

PAM-modules Manual (split by section):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: ldaphome   Up: ldaphome   FastForward: umotd   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index