DNS Zone Files Maintenance Utility |
Sergey Poznyakoff |
6 Exit Codes
Apart from issuing a descriptive error message, nssync
attempts to indicate the reason of its termination by its error code.
As usual, a zero exit code indicates normal termination. The table
below summarizes all possible error codes. For each error code, it
indicates its decimal value and its symbolic name from
include/sysexits.h (if available).
- 0
Program terminated correctly.
- 64
The program was invoked incorrectly, e.g. an invalid option was given, or an erroneous argument was supplied to an option.
- 69
The program exited due to some error not otherwise described in this table.
- 70
Some internal software error occurred.
- 78
An error in the configuration file was detected.
This document was generated on April 24, 2015 using makeinfo.
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