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13.1 Pmult Configuration

Pmult reads its configuration from the main configuration file /etc/mailfromd.conf. Unless it is the only component of the ‘Mailfromd’ package that is being run, its configuration should be explicitly marked as such by using either program or include statement, as described in Mailfromd Configuration.

The following standard Mailutils statements are understood:

debugSee Mailutils Configuration File in GNU Mailutils Manual.
loggingSee Mailutils Configuration File in GNU Mailutils Manual.
includeSee Mailutils Configuration File in GNU Mailutils Manual.

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13.1.1 Multiplexer Configuration.

Pmult listens for Pmilter requests on a socket, configured using listen statement:

Pmult Conf: listen url

Listen on the given url. Argument is a valid Mailutils URL. See milter port specification, for a description of url.

Since pmult runs as a foreground program, it does not write its PID number to a file by default. If this behavior is required, it can be enabled using the following statement:

Pmult Conf: pidfile file

Store PID of the pmult process in file.

The following three limits require MeTA1 version ‘PreAlpha30.0’ or later.

Pmult Conf: max-threads-soft n

“Soft” limit on the number of ‘pmilter’ threads. Default is 2.

Pmult Conf: max-threads-hard n

“Hard” limit on the number of ‘pmilter’ threads. This is roughly equivalent to the number of emails pmult is able to handle simultaneously. The default value is 6. Raise this limit if you experience long delays when connecting to the SMTP port.

Pmult Conf: max-pmilter-fd n

Maximum number of file descriptors ‘pmilter’ library is allowed to open simultaneously. Default is 10.

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13.1.2 Translating MeTA1 macros.

MeTA1’s notion of macros differs considerably from that of Sendmail. Macros in MeTA1 are identified by integer numbers and only a limited number of macros can be provided for each Pmilter stage. Pmilter stages mostly correspond to Milter states (see handler names), except that there are no distinct header and body stages, instead these two are combined into a single ‘data’ stage. This comes unnoticed to mailfromd scripts, because pmult takes care to invoke right Milter handlers within the single ‘data’ Pmilter state. Therefore in the discussion that follows we will refer to Mailfromd handlers, rather than to Pmilter stages.

The most important standard Milter macros are always provided by pmult itself. These are:


The IP address of the SMTP client. As of version 9.0, only IPv4 addresses are supported. Defined in all handlers.


The port number of the SMTP client. Defined in all handlers.


MeTA1 session ID. Defined in all handlers.


The envelope sender (from) address. Defined in envfrom and subsequent handlers.


The number of bad recipients for a single message. Defined in envfrom and envrcpt handlers.


The number of delivery attempts. As of version 9.0 it is always ‘1’. Defined in envfrom and subsequent handlers.


The number of validated recipients for a single message. Defined in envfrom and envrcpt handlers.


Protocol used to receive the message. The value of this macro is always ‘SMTP’. Defined in all handlers.


The host from the resolved triple of the address given for the SMTP RCPT command. Defined in envrcpt handler.


The address part of the resolved triple of the address given for the SMTP RCPT command. Defined in envrcpt handler.


Sender’s helo domain (parameter to EHLO or HELO command).

Two additional macros are provided for all handlers that allow to identify whether the message is processed via pmult:


Canonical name of the multiplexer program, i.e. ‘pmult’.


Version of pmult.

These macros can be used in mailfromd filters to provide alternative processing for messages coming from a MeTA1 server.

Macros defined in MeTA1 can be made available in Mailfromd handlers using the define-macros statement.

Pmult Conf: define-macros handler macros

Define a set of Sendmail macros for the given Mailfromd handler. Allowed values for handler are: ‘connect’, ‘helo’, ‘mail’ (or ‘envfrom’), ‘rcpt’ (or ‘envrcpt’), ‘data’ (or ‘header’ or ‘body’), ‘dot’ (‘eom’). A list of these values is also accepted, in which case macros are defined for each handler from the list.

The second argument specifies a list of names of the macros that should be defined in this handler. Allowed macro names are:


Hostname of SMTP server.


Result of client lookup.


TLS/SSL version used.


TLS cipher suite used.


Effective key length of the symmetric encryption algorithm.


The DN (distinguished name) of the presented certificate.


The DN (distinguished name) of the CA (certificate authority) that signed the presented certificate (the cert issuer).


Maximum key length of the symmetric encryption algorithm. This may be less than the effective key length for export controlled algorithms.


The result of the verification of the presented cert.


The CN (common name) of the presented certificate.


The CN (common name) of the CA that signed the presented certificate.


The mechanism used for SMTP authentication (only set if successful).


The client’s authentication credentials as determined by authentication (only set if successful). The actual format depends on the mechanism used, it might be just ‘user’, or ‘user@realm’, or something similar.


The authorization identity, i.e. the ‘AUTH=’ parameter of the SMTP MAIL command if supplied.


MeTA1 transaction id.


Message-Id of the message.


The hop count. Basically, this is the number of ‘Received:’ headers.

Notice the following limitations:

  1. taid’ cannot be requested before ‘mail’ stage.
  2. msgid’ can be requested only in ‘dot’ stage.
  3. All ‘tls_*’ macros are valid only after a STARTTLS command.
  4. The number of MeTA1 macros per stage is limited by PM_MAX_MACROS define in include/sm/pmfdef.h. In MeTA1 versions up to and including 1.0.PreAlpha28.0, this number is 8. If you need more macros, increase this number and recompile MeTA1.
Pmult Conf: auth-macros bool

If bool is true (see boolean in GNU Mailutils Manual), pass auth macros to mailfromd ‘mail’ handler. It is equivalent to:

define-macros mail (auth_type, auth_authen, auth_author);

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13.1.3 Pmult Client Configuration.

In pmult terminology, remote Milters are clients. The number of clients pmult is able to handle is not limited. Each client is declared using client statement:

client [ident] {
  # Set remote protocol type.
  type protocol-type;
  # Set remote client URL.
  url arg;
  # Set write timeout.
  write-timeout duration;
  # Set read timeout.
  read-timeout duration;
  # Set timeout for EOM.
  eom-timeout duration;
  # Set connect timeout.
  connect-timeout duration;
  # Set log verbosity level.
  log-level level;
Pmult Conf: client [ident] { statements }

Declare a Milter client. Optional ident gives the identifier of this client, which will be used in diagnostics messages.

Statements are described below.

Pmult Conf: type typestr

This statement is reserved for future use. In version 9.0 it is a no-op.

If given, the value of typestr must be ‘milter’.

In future versions this statement will declare the protocol to be used to interact with this client. The syntax for typestr is

  type [version]

where type is either ‘milter’ or ‘pmilter’, and optional version is minimal protocol version.

Pmult Conf: url arg

Set remote client URL. See milter port specification, for a description of url.

Pmult Conf: connect-timeout interval

Configure Milter initial connection timeout. Default is 300.

See time interval specification, for information on interval format.

Pmult Conf: write-timeout interval

Configure Milter write timeout. Default is 10.

See time interval specification, for information on interval format.

Pmult Conf: read-timeout interval

Configure Milter read timeout. Default is 10.

See time interval specification, for information on interval format.

Pmult Conf: eom-timeout interval

Configure Milter end of message timeout. Default is 300.

See time interval specification, for information on interval format.

Pmult Conf: log-level arg

Set Milter log verbosity level for this client. Argument is a list of items separated by commas or whitespace. Each item is a log level optionally prefixed with ‘!’ to indicate “any level except this”, ‘<’, meaning “all levels up to and including this”, or with ‘>’, meaning “all levels starting from this”.

Log levels in order of increasing priority are: ‘proto’, ‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warn’, ‘err’, ‘fatal’. The first two levels are needed for debugging libgacopyz and Milter protocol. See Gacopyz, for the description of the libgacopyz library. See also the following subsection.

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13.1.4 Debugging Pmult

If needed, pmult can be instructed to provide additional debugging information. The amount of this information is configured by three configuration statements. First of all, the standard debug block statement controls debugging of the underlying GNU Mailutils libraries (see Mailutils Configuration File in GNU Mailutils Manual). Secondly, the debug statement controls debugging output of the pmult utility itself. The pmilter-debug statement controls debugging output of the underlying MeTA1 libraries, and, finally, the log-level statement, described in the previous subsection, defines debugging level for the Milter library (libgacopyz).

Pmult Conf: debug spec

Set debugging level for the pmult code. See Mailutils Configuration File in GNU Mailutils Manual, for a description of spec syntax. Multiplexor-specific debugging is enabled by the ‘pmult’ category. The following levels are used:


Prints the following information:

  • opening and closing incoming connections;
  • entering particular Pmilter stage handlers;
  • received requests with unknown command code;
  • header modification requests that does not match any headers.

Information about milter to Pmilter request translation.


Detailed dump of message body chunks received during Pmilter ‘DATA’ stage.


Logs bad recipient addresses.

This information is printed using the output channel defined in the logging statement (see Mailutils Configuration File in GNU Mailutils Manual).

Pmult Conf: pmilter-debug level

Set debug verbosity level for the Pmilter library. Argument is a positive integer between zero (no debugging, the default), and 100 (maximum debugging).

Pmilter debugging information is printed on the standard error. Use pies stderr statement to capture this stream and redirect it to the syslog or file (see Output Redirectors in Pies Manual).

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