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7.2 Base Mailfromd Configuration

Mailfromd Conf: script-file file

Read filter script from file. By default it is sysconfdir/mailfromd.mfl.

Mailfromd Conf: setvar name value

Initialize MFL variable name to value.

Mailfromd Conf: include-path path

Add directories to the list of directories to be searched for include files. See include search path.

Argument is a list of directory names separated by colons. These names are added to the search path before the default search path directories, but after any directories added by the previous include-path statements, if any.

See --include-path

Mailfromd Conf: module-path path

Add directories to the module search path See module search path.

Argument is a list of directory names separated by colons. These names are added to the search path before the default search path directories, but after any directories added by the previous module-path statements, if any.

See --module-path

Mailfromd Conf: state-directory dir

Set program state directory. See statedir.

Mailfromd Conf: relayed-domain-file file

Append domain names from the named file to the list of relayed domains. This list can be inspected from MFL script using the ‘relayed’ function (see relayed).

The file argument is either a single file name or a list of file names, e.g.:

relayed-domain-file /etc/mail/;
relayed-domain-file (/etc/mail/, /etc/mail/relay-domains);
Mailfromd Conf: source-ip ipaddr

Set source IP address for outgoing TCP connections.

Mailfromd Conf: pidfile file

Set the name of the file to store PID value in. The file must be writable for the user or group mailfromd runs as (see conf-priv).

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