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9.1 Using mailfromd with Sendmail.

This chapter assumes you are familiar with Sendmail configuration in general and with Milter configuration directives in particular. It concentrates only on issues, specific for mailfromd.

To prepare Sendmail to communicate with mailfromd you need first to set up the milter port. This is done with INPUT_MAIL_FILTER statement in your Sendmail file:

INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`mailfrom', `S=unix:/usr/local/var/mailfromd/mailfrom')

Make sure that the value of ‘S’ matches the value of listen statement in your mailfromd.conf file (see listen). Notice, however, that they may not be literally the same, because listen allows to specify socket address in various formats, whereas Sendmail’s ‘S’ accepts only milter format.

If you prefer to fiddle directly with file, use this statement instead:

Xmailfrom, S=unix:/usr/local/var/mailfromd/mailfrom

If you are using Sendmail version 8.14.0 or newer, you may skip to the end of this section. These versions implement newer Milter protocol that enables mailfromd to negotiate with the MTA the macros it needs for each state.

Older versions of Sendmail do not offer this feature. For Sendmail versions prior to 8.14.0, you need to manually configure Sendmail to export macros you need in your mailfromd.mfl file. The simplest way to do so is using rc.mailfromd script, introduced in the previous chapter. Run it with macros command line argument and copy its output to your configuration file:

$ rc.mailfromd macros

If you prefer to work with directly, use -c (--cf) command line option:

$ rc.mailfromd macros -c

Finally, if you use other mailfromd script file than that already installed (for example, you are preparing a new configuration while the old one is still being used in production environment), give its name in the command line:

$ rc.mailfromd macros newscript.mfl
# or:
$ rc.mailfromd macros -c newscript.mfl

If you use this method, you can skip the rest of this chapter. However, if you are a daring sort of person and prefer to do everything manually, follow the instructions below.

First of all you need to build a list of macros used by handlers in your mailfromd.mfl file. You can obtain it running mailfromd --dump-macros. This will display all macros used in your handlers, grouped by handler name, for example:

envfrom i, f, {client_addr}
envrcpt f, {client_addr}, {rcpt_addr}

Now, modify confMILTER_MACROS_handler macros in your mc file. Here, handler means the uppercase name of the mailfromd handler you want to export macros to, i.e. the first word on each line of the above mailfromd --dump-macros output. Notice, that in addition to these macros, you should also export the macro i for the very first handler (rc.mailfromd macros takes care of it automatically, but you preferred to do everything yourself...) It is necessary in order for mailfromd to include ‘Message-ID’ in its log messages (see Message-ID).

For example, given the above macros listing, which corresponds to our sample configuration (see Filter Script Example), the snippet will contain:

confMILTER_MACROS_ENVFROM `, i, f, {client_addr}')
confMILTER_MACROS_ENVRCPT `, f, {client_addr}, {rcpt_addr}')

Special attention should be paid to s macro (‘HELO’ domain name). In Sendmail versions up to 8.13.7 (at least) it is available only to helo handler. If you wish to make it available elsewhere you will need to use the method described in HELO Domain

Now, if you are a really daring person and prefer to do everything manually and to hack your file directly, you certainly don’t need any advices. Nonetheless, here’s how the two statements above could look in this case:

O Milter.macros.envfrom=i, {auth_type}, {auth_authen}, \
   {auth_ssf}, {auth_author}, {mail_mailer}, {mail_host}, \
   {mail_addr} ,{mail_addr}, {client_addr}, f
O Milter.macros.envrcpt={rcpt_mailer}, {rcpt_host}, \
   {rcpt_addr} ,i, f, {client_addr}

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