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5.33 Greylisting functions

Built-in Function: boolean greylist (string key, number interval)

Returns ‘True’ if the key is found in the greylist database (controlled by database greylist configuration file statement, see conf-database). The argument interval gives the greylisting interval in seconds. The function stores the number of seconds left to the end of greylisting period in the global variable greylist_seconds_left. See Greylisting, for a detailed explanation.

The function greylist can signal e_dbfailure exception.

Built-in Function: boolean is_greylisted (string key

Returns ‘True’ if the key is still greylisted. If ‘true’ is returned, the function also stores the number of seconds left to the end of greylisting period in the global variable greylist_seconds_left.

This function is available only if Con Tassios implementation of greylisting is used. See greylisting types, for a discussion of available greylisting implementations. See greylist, for a way to switch to Con Tassios implementation.

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