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13.1.3 Pmult Client Configuration.

In pmult terminology, remote Milters are clients. The number of clients pmult is able to handle is not limited. Each client is declared using client statement:

client [ident] {
  # Set remote protocol type.
  type protocol-type;
  # Set remote client URL.
  url arg;
  # Set write timeout.
  write-timeout duration;
  # Set read timeout.
  read-timeout duration;
  # Set timeout for EOM.
  eom-timeout duration;
  # Set connect timeout.
  connect-timeout duration;
  # Set log verbosity level.
  log-level level;
Pmult Conf: client [ident] { statements }

Declare a Milter client. Optional ident gives the identifier of this client, which will be used in diagnostics messages.

Statements are described below.

Pmult Conf: type typestr

This statement is reserved for future use. In version 9.0 it is a no-op.

If given, the value of typestr must be ‘milter’.

In future versions this statement will declare the protocol to be used to interact with this client. The syntax for typestr is

  type [version]

where type is either ‘milter’ or ‘pmilter’, and optional version is minimal protocol version.

Pmult Conf: url arg

Set remote client URL. See milter port specification, for a description of url.

Pmult Conf: connect-timeout interval

Configure Milter initial connection timeout. Default is 300.

See time interval specification, for information on interval format.

Pmult Conf: write-timeout interval

Configure Milter write timeout. Default is 10.

See time interval specification, for information on interval format.

Pmult Conf: read-timeout interval

Configure Milter read timeout. Default is 10.

See time interval specification, for information on interval format.

Pmult Conf: eom-timeout interval

Configure Milter end of message timeout. Default is 300.

See time interval specification, for information on interval format.

Pmult Conf: log-level arg

Set Milter log verbosity level for this client. Argument is a list of items separated by commas or whitespace. Each item is a log level optionally prefixed with ‘!’ to indicate “any level except this”, ‘<’, meaning “all levels up to and including this”, or with ‘>’, meaning “all levels starting from this”.

Log levels in order of increasing priority are: ‘proto’, ‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warn’, ‘err’, ‘fatal’. The first two levels are needed for debugging libgacopyz and Milter protocol. See Gacopyz, for the description of the libgacopyz library. See also the following subsection.

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