![]() |
IdEst |
ID3 Editing and Scripting Tool |
Sergey Poznyakoff |
This edition of the IdEst Manual, last updated 31 December 2016, documents IdEst 2.1.
Many ‘mp3’ files carry additional blocks of information, called ID3 tags. These tags supply additional information about the file, such as artist’s name, the title of the song, etc. There are currently two major versions of these tags. The version 1 is able to keep a predefined number of textual fields of limited length, and is written at the end of the file. The version 2 is much more flexible. It is able to keep arbitrary number of fields, called frames, which may be textual or binary data. The frame length is not limited. ID3 tags of this version are written at the beginning of the file, which makes them suitable for streaming.
Idest is a command line tool for manipulating ID3 tags. It allows you
to create new tags, and to view, modify or delete the existing ones.
When compiled with Guile1, idest
allows you
to write programs of arbitrary complexity for manipulating ID3 tags and
to apply them to any number of files.
The program name is an abbreviation for ‘ID3 Edit and Scripting
Tool’. When speaking about the whole package, we spell its name as
‘IdEst’. When speaking about the program file name, we spell it
. This latter spelling may be capitalized, if it
occurs at the beginning of a sentence.
The version 1 of ID3 tags offers a very limited set of possibilities, compared to its successor, version 2. You should know these limitations in order to understand their implications when creating version 1 tags or converting version 2 to version 1.
Properly speaking, the pure version 1 tag is seldom used. It is its modified version, called 1.1 which is used most often.
The version 1.1 tag contains the following frames:
Field | Width | Description |
title | 30 | The title |
artist | 30 | The artist name |
album | 30 | The album name |
year | 4 | A four-digit year |
comment | 28 | The comment. |
track | 1 | The number of the track on the album. |
genre | 1 | Index in a list of genres, see below. |
Table 2.1: ID3v1.1 tag
The last field, ‘genre’, merits special notice. It is an ordinal number of genre in a predefined table of genres (see Genre Codes). When modifying or setting this tag, you should supply one of the values listed in that table (case-insensitive). If the value you supply is not found in that table, the value ‘Other’ will be used.
The version 2 is much more advanced and flexible. It was initially described in http://www.id3.org/id3v2-00. The current version is 2.4.0 and it is discussed in detail in http://www.id3.org/id3v2.4.0-frames. In this manual, unless expressly noted otherwise, when speaking about version 2 we actually mean 2.4.0.
The ID3v2 frames are named using four-character abbreviations. The 7 most used frames, corresponding to the ID3v1 fields, are:
Frame | V1 field |
TIT2 | title |
TPE1 | artist |
TALB | album |
TDRC | year |
COMM | comment |
TRCK | track |
TCON | genre |
Table 2.2: Some ID3v2 frames
2.1 internally operates on ID3v2 tags
of version 2.4.0. It is able to handle any prior versions as well:
such tags are implicitly converted to the latest version. When
creating or modifying tags, idest
always stores updated
tags in version 2.4.0.
Each ID3 tag consists of frames. As described above, IDv1 tags contain a fixed set of frames, whereas IDv2 tags can contain any number of this. The frame ID is a four-character name which identifies a frame.
There are frames that can appear only once in a tag, and there are
ones that can appear multiple times. These latter have some
additional fields which serve to discern between them. In
parlance we call these fields frame qualifiers.
The number and semantics of qualifiers are frame-dependent. For
example, the ‘COMM’ (comment) frame contains two qualifiers:
language, which holds a three-letter code of the language the
comment is written in, and content descriptor, which holds
arbitrary string describing the comment.
There are two ways to address a frame: by its ID, and by its fully-qualified name. Addressing the frame by its ID retrieves all instances of that frame. A fully-qualified name, on the other hand, provides a way to retrieve a particular instance of the frame. A fully-qualified name consists of frame ID, followed by a colon and a list of qualifier values, delimited with colons. For example, the name ‘COMM:eng:my-comment’ will select the ‘COMM’ frame which has ‘eng’ in its language field and ‘my-comment’ in its content descriptor field. Any of qualifiers in a fully-qualified name can be omitted. Such an empty qualifier works as a wildcard, matching any value in the actual field. Thus, ‘COMM::my-comment’ selects the ‘COMM’ frames with content descriptor ‘my-comment’, no matter what their language.
To see all the frames along with their qualifiers and a short description, use the --list-frames (-L) option:
$ idest --list-frames COMM:lang:condesc Comments TALB Album/movie/show title TBPM BPM (beats per minute) TCOM Composer ...
The output it produces consists of two columns: the first one shows the frame ID and its qualifiers (if any). The second one contains a short description of this frame purpose.
To select one or several frames of interest, give their names as argument (a comma-separated list) to the --filter (-F) argument, e.g.:
$ idest --list --filter=COMM,TXXX COMM:lang:condesc Comments TXXX:descr User defined text information
The --filter option is a standard way to abridge
operation to a subset of frames.
Viewing existing tags is simple. Just give idest
a list
of files to extract information from, with no additional options:
$ idest file.mp3 title: Diamonds & Rust album: Diamonds & Rust track: 1 comment: artist: Joan Baez year: 1975 genre: Folk
This operation mode is called query mode. By default,
shows all these fields in this order. If there are
several comment fields, they will be shown in the fully-qualified
form, e.g.:
$ idest track01.mp3 title: Plou i fa sol album: Camins de Tarda track: 3 comment:eng:my: Comment text comment:eng:encoder: lame artist: Josep Tero year: 1995 genre: Folk
If you wish to display another frames, use the --filter (-F) option:
$ idest --filter=artist,title,year file.mp3 artist: Joan Baez title: Diamonds & Rust year: 1975
The names given in the filter list can be either IDv1 or IDv2 names,
will convert the to IDv2 automatically.
Frames can also be given in a fully-qualified form, for example:
$ idest --filter=title,comment::encoder track01.mp3 title: Plou i fa sol comment:eng:encoder: lame
You can also define a string which will be printed instead of the frame name in the output. This string is given as a prefix to the frame name. The two parts are delimited by a percent sign, e.g.:
$ idest --filter=Title%title,'Encoded by'%comment::encoder \ track01.mp3 Title: Plou i fa sol Encoded by: lame
To describe frames in a verbose manner, use the --describe (-D) option:
$ idest --describe --filter=artist,title,year file.mp3 Lead performer(s)/soloist(s): Joan Baez Title/songname/content description: Diamonds & Rust Recording time: 1975
For compatibility with previous versions, the --query option
(or -q, for short) is supported. When used without argument
it forces the query mode. If argument is supplied, it must be in the
same format as for the --filter option and has the same
effect (e.g. idest -qartist,title,year file.mp3
If the long option form (--query) is used, then the frame list must be separated from the option by an equal sign, with no surrounding white space. If the short option form (-q) is used, the list must follow the option letter, with no white space in between.
There is a special option which instructs idest
to output
all frames: the --all (-a) option:
$ idest --all track01.mp3 title: Cor i arbre album: Fronteres track: 1 comment:eng:Bit_Rate: 320 comment:eng:Sample_Rate: 44100 TENC: Myencoder 1.0 artist: Josep Tero year: 2009 genre:
All textual fields are displayed using the current locale settings. Sometimes it may be necessary to force displaying them in another locale. The --charset option allows you to do so. Its argument is a valid character set name. For example
$ idest --charset=iso-8859-2 track06.mp3
This will cause all textual tags to be converted to iso-8859-2 on output. Notice that such conversion is not always possible, for example if the tag is stored internally in UTF-8 and is using characters not present in the iso-8859-2 plane.
You may occasionally encounter files with textual frames stored as iso-8859-1 strings, but actually using another 8-bit encoding. Such frames are displayed as sequences of unintelligible characters. You can display them properly if you know or can guess the actual character set they were written in. To do so, use the --broken-8bit-charset option. For example, the following command will assume all textual options use the iso-8859-2 character set and will convert them to the output character set:
$ idest --broken-8bit-charset=iso-8859-2 dm.mp3
To modify a particular frame, use the --set (-s) option. For example:
$ idest --set artist='Jacques Brel' track01.mp3
Several frames can be set at once. To do so you can either supply a separate --set option for each frame, or to give a single --set option followed by as many frame assignments as you need, for example:
$ idest --set artist='Jacques Brel' \ --set title='Ne me quitte pas' track01.mp3
$ idest --set artist='Jacques Brel' \ title='Ne me quitte pas' track01.mp3
You can use fully qualified form (see fully-qualified name) for frames that require it:
$ idest --set comment:eng:My_comment='Noise reduction on' \ track01.mp3
In the example above, if a comment with this content descriptor exists, its content will be replaced with the new one. If not, a new comment frame will be created.
If a frame which can appear multiple times (such as e.g. comment) is being set without qualifiers, all existing frames of this type will be removed and replaced with the new instance. Its qualifiers will be set to default values.
Textual strings are assumed to be written in the current locale. If that’s not the case, use the --charset option, e.g.
$ idest --charset=latin1 --set artist='Lluís Llach' *.mp3
Textual strings are stored in UTF-8 by default. If you prefer another encoding, specify it with the --encoding option. The ID3 specification offers the following encodings: ‘iso-8859-1’ (or ‘latin1’), ‘utf-8’, ‘utf-16’, and ‘utf-16be’ (the suffix stands for “big-endian”). For example, to store texts in ‘utf-16’:
$ idest --encoding=utf-16 --set album='Itaca' *.mp3
Not all devices support full ID3 specification. Most of them support only a subset of it. The --fixup command line option is provided to convert ID3 tags to a form understood by most devices. The usage is simple:
$ idest --fixup *.mp3
If the input tags also contain malformed 8-bit encodings (see broken 8bit encoding), you can fix them as shown below:
$ idest --broken-8bit-encoding=iso-8859-1 --fixup *.mp3
To copy tags from one file to another, use the --copy (-c) option. Its argument supplies the source file. Non-optional arguments supply destination files:
$ idest --copy sample.mp3 track1.mp3 track2.mp3
As a result of this operation all tags from sample.mp3 will be copied to track1.mp3 and track2.mp3.
As in other operations, you can abridge the scope of copying to a certain subset of frames by using the --filter option, e.g.:
$ idest --copy sample.mp3 --filter TPE1,TCOM \ track1.mp3 track2.mp3
You can also use --copy together with --set in a single invocation. In this case, the frames will first be copied from the source file and then the resulting tags will be modified according to the --set options. For example:
$ idest --copy sample.mp3 --filter TPE1,TCOM \ --set year=2003 track1.mp3 track2.mp3
The --delete (-d) option instructs idest
to remove ID3 tags from the file (or files). If no argument is
specified, all tags are deleted:
$ idest --delete *.mp3
After this operation, all ID3 data are irrevocably lost, so use it with caution.
A list of frame names can be given either with the --filter
option, or (for compatibility with idest
1.x) as an argument to
--delete (similarly to --query). For example, to
delete only comment and genre tags:
$ idest --delete --filter=comment,genre *.mp3
$ idest --delete=comment,genre *.mp3
Specifying ‘comment’ (a non-qualified form) results in removing all comment frames. To remove a particular one, use its qualified form:
$ idest --delete --filter=comment::Bit_Rate track01.mp3
The same applies to other frames that can appear multiple times (see Frames).
There are currently two major versions of ID3 format
(see Intro). A file may contain tags in any format, or even
in both formats at once. By default, the --set option will
store data in the same format as found initially in the file. If the
file did not contain any tags before running idest --set
new tags will be created in both versions 1 and 2. This choice can be
overridden by setting the desired tag version with the
--default-id-version (-U) option. This option
expects a comma-separated list of version numbers (1 and 2) as its
argument. For example,
idest --default-id-version=1
will write new tags in version
1. The default setting corresponds to --default-id-version=1,2.
The --convert (-C) command line option takes a a comma-separated list of ID3 major version number and converts the existing tags to the given formats. If there is no existing data, the new tags will be created in these formats. Thus, for example:
$ idest --convert=1 *.mp3
changes the ID3 format in all ‘*.mp3’ files to version 1. The command:
$ idest --convert=1 --set artist='Jacques Brel' *.mp3
sets the ‘artist’ field on each file. Those files that already had ID3 data will be converted to version 1. Those that did not, will have it created in version 1 format.
The --id-version (-V) instructs the program to write new and changed tags in the specified ID3 format. In the contrast to --convert, this option does not affect files which underwent no changes. On the other hand, it differs from --default-id-version in that it sets new tag format unconditionally, whereas the latter does so only if the input file contained no ID3 tags.
The --info (-i) option instructs idest
to show the structure of input files. The output is formatted as
a sequence of keyword / value pairs, as shown in the example below:
$ idest --info jt_lluny.mp3 file: jt_lluny.mp3 ntags: 2 version: 2.4.0 offset: 0 length: 2131 version: 1.1 offset: 2725554 length: 128
The first two lines show the name of the input file and the number of ID3 tags in it. Following are tag descriptions formatted as three values for each tag. The ‘version’ line shows the tag version (major and minor numbers, separated by dots). The ‘offset’ line shows the offset of this tag in the file, and the ‘length’ line contains size of this tag in bytes.
offers a scripting facility, which makes it possible
to extend its functionality beyond the basic operations, described in
previous chapters. Scripts must be written in Scheme, using
‘Guile’, the
GNU’s Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions. For
information about the language, refer to Revised(5)
Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme. For a detailed
description of Guile and its features, see
Overview in The Guile Reference Manual.
The scripting mode is enabled when the option
--script (-S) is given in the command line. This
option stops further option processing, so any other idest
command line options must be given before it. The argument
to this option specifies the name of the script file:
$ idest --script list.scm *.mp3
You can omit the ‘.scm’ suffix, as idest
will try it
automatically (see below).
When this option is given, the following operations are performed:
This step is omitted if the program is given the --no-init-files (-N) option.
When a startup file is loaded, the list of files which were to be tried after it is passed to it as arguments. This allows for chain-loading all files in the list using the following code:
(let load-loop ((name-list (cdr (command-line)))) (if (not (null? name-list)) (let ((name (car name-list))) (load-loop (cdr name-list)) (if (file-exists? name) (primitive-load name)))))
The default load path is formed as follows:
version-site-dir . package-site-dir guile-site-dir %load-path
where the components are as follows:
The standard Guile load path (see Build Config in The Guile Reference Manual).
This directory is selected at compile time using the rules below.
Its value is returned by the (%idest-guile-site-dir)
The reason for using this directory is described in http://www.gnu.org.ua/software/gint/#guile-site-dir.
If guile-site-dir
coincides with the standard %site-dir
this part is omitted, because the latter is always present in the
This is the directory for installing version-independent
files. It is formed as follows:
This value is returned by the (%idest-package-site-dir)
This is the directory for installing version-dependent
files. It is formed as follows:
This value is returned by the (%idest-version-site-dir)
The load path can be modified using the --load-path (-P) and --prepend-load-path (-p) command line options. Both options take as argument a list of directory names, separated by colons. The --load-path option adds these directories to the tail of the load path list. The --prepend-load-path option adds them to the head of the load path list.
The script is loaded via primitive-load-path
(see primitive-load-path in The Guile Reference Manual), so
will consult the %load-extensions
list and
try suffixes from that list as described in
%load-extensions in The Guile Reference Manual).
The script can access command line arguments via the usual
function (see command-line in The Guile Reference Manual). It
can also modify the argument list (e.g. by removing its command
line options). It must not, however, modify ‘argv[0]’. Any
changes it does to the argument list become visible to
. The only requirement is that the modified argument
list consist of the script name (as argv[0]) and input file names.
The main function must be declared as:
It takes two arguments. The file argument supplies the name of
the file being processed. The frames argument is a list of ID3
frames read from that file. Each element of frames is a pair,
with the frame name in its car
and an association list of
frame properties in its cdr
The properties are identified by property names, which are Scheme symbols. The following property names are defined:
Value of this frame, as a string.
Frame description. It is a string, verbosely describing the frame. For example, the description of ‘TRCK’ frames is ‘Track number/position in set’.
These are the same descriptions that are output with the --describe option (see describe).
Unsupported or partially-supported frames contain only this property.
Its value is a list of frame fields. Each field is represented by a
triplet ‘(ord type value)’, where ord is the
ordinal number of that field in frame, type is its type (integer) and
value is its value. If type is one of numeric types,
value is the numeric value converted to string (as per
). If type is a string type, value
contains the string in the appropriate encoding. Otherwise,
value holds the field value as a binary string. Each byte in
such a string is represented by two hexadecimal digits. For example,
‘AB\n’ is represented as ‘41420A’.
More properties are defined at a per-frame basis to represent
frame qualifiers. They are named after corresponding qualifiers
as listed in --list-frames
output (see describe). For
example, for ‘comment’ (‘COMM’) frames:
A three-letter code of the language in which the text is written.
Content descriptor.
The mode in which input files are open is controlled by the
This is a boolean variable that indicates whether idest-main
can modify tag frames. If its value is #t
, the function return
value will be ignored, and input files will be opened in read-only
mode. This is the default.
If idest-readonly
is ‘#f’ the idest-main
should return the new list of frames. If it returns an empty list,
all existing frames will be deleted. If the function chooses not
to modify any frames, it must return #f
The two following sections show how to write script files. The
sample scripts they discuss can be found in subdirectory
examples of the idest
This section illustrates how to use the scripting facility for listing the contents of ID3 tags.
The simplest way to list all frames using a Guile script is:
;; list1.scm -- lists all frames. (define (idest-main name frames) (display name) (newline) (for-each (lambda (frame) (display frame) (newline)) frames))
Here is a sample output:
$ idest --script list1.scm track01.scm track01.mp3 (TIT2 (descr . Title/songname/content description) (text . Cor i arbre)) (TRCK (descr . Track number/position in set) (text . 1)) (COMM (descr . Comments) (condesc . Bit_Rate) (lang . eng) (text . 320)) (TENC (descr . Encoded by) (text . Myencoder 1.0)) (COMM (descr . Comments) (condesc . Sample_Rate) (lang . eng) (text . 44100))
As mentioned above, a script can access the command-line arguments. To illustrate this, let’s modify the list1.scm to display only a subset of frames, given as a comma-separated list in the first argument. To do so, we will need a list of requested frames:
(define frame-list '())
The main function consults this list to see whether to display a frame:
(define (idest-main name frames) (display name) (newline) (for-each (lambda (frame) (if (member (car frame) frame-list) (begin (display frame) (newline)))) frames))
Finally, the following code initializes frame-list
from the
first argument and removes that argument from the list seen by
. Note that the 0th argument is the name of the
script itself, and it should not be modified.
(let ((cmd (command-line))) (cond ((< (length cmd) 3) (error "usage: idest -S list2 FRAME-LIST FILE...") (exit 1)) (else (set! frame-list (string-split (list-ref cmd 1) #\,)) (set-program-arguments (cons (car cmd) (list-tail cmd 2))))))
The full script text is then:
;; list2.scm -- lists only requested frames. (define frame-list '()) (define (idest-main name frames) (display name) (newline) (for-each (lambda (frame) (if (member (car frame) frame-list) (begin (display frame) (newline)))) frames)) (let ((cmd (command-line))) (cond ((< (length cmd) 3) (error "usage: idest -S list2 FRAME-LIST FILE...") (exit 1)) (else (set! frame-list (string-split (list-ref cmd 1) #\,)) (set-program-arguments (cons (car cmd) (list-tail cmd 2))))))
Sample usage:
$ idest --script list2 TIT2,TENC track01.scm (TIT2 (descr . Title/songname/content description) (text . Cor i arbre)) (TENC (descr . Encoded by) (text . Myencoder 1.0))
A more elaborate example will print, for each input file, its name, followed by the title, artist name and year, as shown in this sample output:
$ idest -S shortlist *.mp3 dnr.mp3: Diamonds & Rust by Joan Baez, 1975 ams.mp3: Amsterdam, by Jacques Brel, 1968
To implement this, we would need a function that returns the value of
a given frame from the frame list. Remember, that the latter is a
list of pairs, so the task is achieved easily by using the
(define (get-frame code frames) (or (assoc-ref (or (assoc-ref frames code) '()) 'text) "unknown"))
The inner assoc-ref
selects a requested frame. An
empty list is returned if such a frame is not found. The outer
selects the ‘text’ property.
Now, we define the main function:
(define (idest-main name frames) (format #t "~A: ~A by ~A, ~A~%" name (get-frame "TIT2" frames) ; Title (get-frame "TPE1" frames) ; Artist (get-frame "TDRC" frames))) ; Year
This section illustrates how to write scripts that modify ID3 tags.
We will write a script which creates a new value for the ‘title’
) frame from the name of the input file. The title is
created using the following algorithm:
Here is the implementation:
;; settitle.scm - set title (TIT2) frame based on ;; the file name. (use-modules (ice-9 regex) (srfi srfi-13)) (define (idest-main file frames) (cond ((string-match "(.*)\\.mp3" file) => (lambda (match) (cons (cons "TIT2" (list (cons 'text (string-map (lambda (c) (if (char=? c #\_) #\space c)) (match:substring match 1))))) ;; (filter (lambda (elt) (not (string=? (car elt) "TIT2"))) frames)))) (else #f))) (set! idest-readonly #f)
An example of using this script on all files in the current directory:
$ idest --script settitle *.mp3
Formats are advanced scripting feature which allows for extending
output by writing an appropriate script in Scheme. A
format is invoked using the --format (-H) command
line option. The format name is given as argument to that option.
Similarly to the --source option, the --format option stops
further argument processing and passes the rest of arguments to the
format module, which is supposed to remove its option arguments and
leave only input file names. For example:
$ idest --format=framelist -Q -l *.mp3
This example invokes idest
with the ‘framelist’ format
(see framelist). The -Q and -l flags are format
The source for format module name must be saved in the file named name.scm located in the subdirectory idest/format somewhere in the Guile load path. It must begin with the following clause:
(define-module (idest format name))
The module must define and export the ‘idest-main’ function,
whose calling convention and return type is the same as that in
the usual idest
scripts (see idest-main). For example,
the following is a simplified version of the ‘framelist’ module
(see framelist):
(define-module (idest format framelist)) (define frame-list '()) (define-public (idest-main name frames) (for-each (lambda (elt) (cond ((member (car elt) frame-list) (display (car elt)) (newline)))) frames))
If the module needs to process command line arguments, it may not do
so in the main code, as the usual idest
modules do.
Instead, it should export a special function, ‘idest-init’,
defined as:
(define-public (idest-init) ...)
This function analyzes the command line, removes the consumed modules options and returns. For example:
(define-public (idest-init) (let ((cmd (command-line))) (cond ((< (length cmd) 3) (error "usage: idest --format=framelist FRAME-LIST FILE...") (exit 1)) (else (set! frame-list (string-split (list-ref cmd 1) #\,)) (set-program-arguments (cons (car cmd) (list-tail cmd 2)))))))
The module should also export the symbol ‘description’, which should contain a string with a concise description of the module. This description will be shown in the --format=help output (see help format). For example:
(define-public description "display a list of frames defined in each file")
is shipped with a set of predefined formats. These
formats are found in the scheme/idest/format subdirectory of
the source tree. They are installed into the
‘version-site-dir’/format directory (see version-site-dir).
The ‘help’ format searches the load path for available format modules and lists them. For each module its name and short description are shown on a separate line. The output is sorted alphabetically by the format name:
$ idest --format=help framelist: display a list of frames defined in each file lyrics: display lyrics (the USLT content), if present pic: show attached picture (APIC frame) or save it on disk shortlist: display title, artist name and year
If ‘help’ is used with the --which (-w) option, the format includes the directory where the module is found:
$ idest --format=help --which framelist (/usr/share/idest/format): display a list of frames defined in each file ...
The ‘framelist’ format displays a list of ID3 frames present in each input file, e.g.:
$ idest --format=framelist file.mp3 TIT2 TRCK COMM TENC COMM
The following command line options are understood:
Display all qualifiers. For example:
$ idest --format=framelist --full file.mp3 TIT2 descr="Title/songname/content description" TRCK descr="Track number/position in set" COMM descr="Comments" lang="eng" condesc="" TENC descr="Encoded by" COMM descr="Comments" lang="cat" condesc=""
Display only frames from flist, which is a list of frame names, separated by commas.
Display frames in qualified form:
$ idest --format=framelist --qualified file.mp3 TIT2 TRCK COMM:eng: TENC COMM:cat:
Fit output on single-line, e.g.:
$ idest --format=framelist --single-line file.mp3 TIT2,TRCK,COMM,TENC,COMM
Show a short help summary
The ‘lyrics’ format displays the lyrics (as found in the ‘USLT’ frame). The text is preceded by the song title from the ‘TIT2’ frame, e.g.:
$ idest --format lyrics file.mp3 How doth the little How doth the little crocodile Improve his shining tail, And pour the waters of the Nile On every golden scale! How cheerfully he seems to grin, How neatly spreads his claws, And welcomse little fishes in With gently smiling jaws!
If the environment variable PAGER
is set, its value is used to
paginate the output.
This module supports the following command line options:
Select ‘USLT’ frames with name as the value of their ‘lang’ qualifier.
Select ‘USLT’ frames with text as the value of their ‘condesc’ qualifier.
Show a short help summary
The ‘pic’ format displays or stores on disk attached pictures. It supports the following options:
Use prog to view images (default: xv
Look for pictures with this descriptive text.
Look for pictures with this MIME type.
Store pictures on disk, instead of displaying them. The picture names are created by expanding the file name template, given with the following option:
Set the template for output file names (implies –store). The template can contain the following meta-characters:
Char | Expands to |
~D | Input file directory part |
~N | Input file base name |
~C | Content description |
~T | Mime type without the ‘image/’ prefix |
~P | Picture type |
~I | PID of the idest process |
The default template is ‘/tmp/~I-~N.~T’.
Show a short help summary
The ‘shortlist’ format module is similar to the ‘shortlist.scm’ example program, discussed in shortlist example. It does not take any command line options – everything after the format name is treated as file names:
$ idest --format=shortlist *.mp3 dnr.mp3: Diamonds & Rust by Joan Baez, 1975 ams.mp3: Amsterdam, by Jacques Brel, 1968
Batch modules or batches are idest
module files
located in a set of predefined directories which apply a set of
modifications to the argument files. In other words, batches are
file-modifying counterpart of formats. A batch is invoked using the
--batch (-B) command line option. The batch name
is given as argument to that option. Similarly to the --source
and --format options, the --batch option stops
further argument processing and passes the rest of arguments to the
batch module, which is supposed to remove its option arguments and
leave only the input file names. For example:
$ idest --batch=setpic -f cover.png file.mp3
In this example, ‘setpic’ is the batch module name, ‘-f cover.png’ are its arguments (see setpic), and ‘file.mp3’ is the argument file.
The rules for writing batch modules are similar to those for formats (see format modules) with only few differences.
The source for format module name must be saved in the file named name.scm located in the subdirectory idest/batch somewhere in the Guile load path. It must begin with the following clause:
(define-module (idest batch name))
The module must define and export the ‘idest-main’ function,
whose calling convention is the same as that in
the usual idest
scripts (see idest-main). This function
must return the new list of frames. If it returns an empty list,
all existing frames will be deleted. If the function chooses not
to modify any frames, it must return #f
If the module needs to process command line arguments, it should do so in the function ‘idest-init’, defined as:
(define-public (idest-init) ...)
Finally, the module should export the symbol ‘description’ with a concise description of the module. This description will be shown in the --batch=help output (see help batch).
To illustrate this, here is the code for module ‘delfrm’, which removes the requested frames from all argument files:
(define-module (idest batch delfrm)) (define-public description "remove requested frames from the input files") (define frame-list '()) (define-public (idest-main) (filter (lambda (frame) (not (member (car frame) frame-list))) frames)) (define-public (idest-init) (let ((cmd (command-line))) (cond ((< (length cmd) 3) (error "usage: idest --batch=delfrm FRAME-LIST FILE...") (exit 1)) (else (set! frame-list (string-split (list-ref cmd 1) #\,)) (set-program-arguments (cons (car cmd) (list-tail cmd 2)))))))
is shipped with a set of predefined batch modules. These
modules are found in the scheme/idest/batch subdirectory of
the source tree. They are installed into the
‘version-site-dir’/batch directory (see version-site-dir).
The ‘help’ batch searches the load path for available batch modules and lists them. For each module its name and short description are shown on a separate line. The output is sorted alphabetically by the format name:
$ idest --format=help setlyrics: set song lyrics (USLT frame) from a file setpic: set attached picture from a file
If ‘help’ is used with the --which (-w) option, the format includes the directory where the module is found:
$ idest --format=help --which setlyrics (/usr/share/idest/format): set song lyrics (USLT frame) from a file ...
The ‘setlyrics’ batch reads the text from the specified file (or standard input, if no file is given) and stores it in the ‘USLT’ frame. It supports the following command line options:
Read text from file (default: stdin).
Set language in which the lyrics is written, i.e. the value of the ‘lang’ qualifier (default: ‘eng’).
Set content description.
Show a short help summary
The ‘setpic’ module reads a picture from a supplied file and attaches it to the argument files. It supports the following options:
Read picture from file. This option is required.
Set the value of ‘condesc’ qualifier.
Set MIME type. By default it is deduced from the picture file suffix.
Set picture type (a decimal number). Default is ‘0’.
Show a short help summary
For example:
$ idest --batch setpic --file cover.png \ --description='Album Cover' file.mp3
When writing a script which modifies tags, it is good idea to test
it before applying it to your data. Idest
provides a
special option for that: --dry-run (-n, e.g.:
$ idest --dry-run --script settitle *.mp3
This will run your script as usual, but instead of applying the
changes to the input files, idest
will verbosely print
results of each invocation of ‘idest-main’. When
--dry-run is used, input files are opened in read-only mode.
This option works with batch files as well, e.g.:
$ idest --dry-run --batch delfrm *.mp3
Here is an example of the dry-run output, obtained from the command above:
dry-run: loading ../examples/settitle.scm ... dry-run: loading /usr/share/guile/1.8/ice-9/regex.scm ... dry-run: loading /usr/share/guile/1.8/srfi/srfi-13.scm ... File Tinc_un_clavell_per_a_tu.mp3 (TIT2 (text . Tinc un clavell per a tu)) (TALB (descr . Album/movie/show title) (text . Maremar)) ...
The first frame shown (‘TIT2’) was produced by settitle.scm (see the previous chapter). Rest of frames come from the input file itself.
Notice the diagnostics lines which start with ‘dry-run’. In
dry-run mode idest
verbosely reports the full file names of
all files it loads. In this particular case, the line
dry-run: loading ../examples/settitle.scm ...
shows the full path of the script file itself, whereas the two lines
dry-run: loading /usr/share/guile/1.8/ice-9/regex.scm ... dry-run: loading /usr/share/guile/1.8/srfi/srfi-13.scm ...
reflect the use-modules
clause at the beginning of
settitle.scm (see settitle.scm).
The ‘dry-run’ mode is actually implemented as a usual
Guile script, named dry-run.scm. The
script is installed to the package script directory. Its
source can be found in the subdirectory scheme of the
offers options for making backups of files before
modifying them. Two ways of creating backup copies are supported.
First, backups may be made by copying the file to another file
before modifying it. This backup method is enabled using the
--backup command line option. This option takes a single
optional argument, which specifies backup method, i.e. the
naming scheme for backup copies. If used without the argument, the
value of the VERSION_CONTROL
environment variable is used. And
is not set, the ‘existing’ method is
Available backup methods are:
Make simple backups. The backup file name is created by appending the backup suffix (‘~’ character by default) to the original file name. If a file with such name already exists, this algorithm is applied again, until a unique name is found.
For example, first call to:
$ idest --backup=simple track01.mp3
will create backup copy in file track01.mp~. Second invocation of the same command will create a backup file named track01.mp~~, and so on.
The default backup suffix is ‘~’, but it can be changed using the
--backup-suffix command line option or
environment variable.
Always make numbered backups. The backup file name is created by appending a unique numeric suffix to the original file name. For example, when using:
$ idest --backup=t track01.mp3
the first backup will be called track01.mp3.~0~, the second one will be called track01.mp3.~1~, etc.
Make numbered backups of files that already have them, simple backups of the others.
Yet another way to create backup copies is to copy the file to be modified to a separate directory. It can be requested with the backup-directory option, e.g.:
$ idest --backup-directory=/var/backups track01.mp3
If the backup directory already contains a copy of the file, the new backup name will be chosen using the method set with the --backup command line option.
This chapter summarizes all available command line options. Options are listed in alphabetical order. Optional arguments are enclosed in square brackets.
Query all frames. See all-frames query.
backup before modifying, choose version control. See Backups.
Backup to given directory. See Backups.
Set backup suffix, instead of the default ‘~’. See Backups.
Textual frames are stored as ‘ISO-8859-1’ strings, but are actually using the specified 8bit charset. Use this option to properly convert such frames (see broken 8bit encoding), or to fix them (see fixing broken 8bit strings).
Create tags in given version, and convert existing ones to version. Argument is a comma-separated list of major version numbers. See ID Versioning.
Copy tags from file to destination files. See Copy.
In query mode – convert textual strings to character set name on output.
In modify mode – input strings are written using character set name.
By default, character set is deduced from the locale settings in both cases.
Delete ID3 tags. The flist is a comma-separated list of the names of frames to delete. If flist is not given, all frames are deleted. See Delete.
Print verbose frame descriptions instead of short names. See describe.
Specifies encoding for storing textual fields in ID3 tags. Valid only in modify mode. Valid encoding names are:
This is the default.
UTF-16, little-endian
UTF-16, big-endian
Operate only on frames from flist. This option affects the following options: --copy (see filter in copy mode), --query (see filter in query mode), --delete (see filter in delete mode) and --list-frames (see filter--list-frames).
Attempt to fix the ID tags so that they are understood by most devices.
Print a short help list.
Show tag structure information. See Structure.
Same as --encoding=latin1.
List the supported ID3v2 frames. See list-frames.
Append path to the Guile load path (see load-path). The argument is a list of directory names separated by colons.
Add path to the beginning of the Guile load path (see load-path). The argument is a list of directory names separated by colons.
Do not load Scheme init files (see startup files).
Initiate the dry-run mode. See dry-run.
Query mode. The flist is a comma-separated list of the names of frames to query. If not given, it defaults to ‘title,album,track,comment,artist,year,genre’. See View.
Guile script name. See Scripting.
Set field ID3 field to the given value. See Modify.
Start with debugging evaluator and backtraces. See Scripting.
Write new and changed tags in the given ID3 version. Argument is a comma-separated list of major version numbers. See ID Versioning.
Create new tags in the given version. Argument is a comma-separated list of major version numbers. See ID Versioning.
Print program version and copyright information.
Print a short usage message.
Email bug reports to bug-idest@gnu.org.ua (or gray+idest@gnu.org.ua). Please include a detailed description of the bug and information about the conditions under which it occurs, so we can reproduce it.
The following genres are defined in ID3v1:
0 | Blues |
1 | Classic Rock |
2 | Country |
3 | Dance |
4 | Disco |
5 | Funk |
6 | Grunge |
7 | Hip-Hop |
8 | Jazz |
9 | Metal |
10 | New Age |
11 | Oldies |
12 | Other |
13 | Pop |
14 | R&B |
15 | Rap |
16 | Reggae |
17 | Rock |
18 | Techno |
19 | Industrial |
20 | Alternative |
21 | Ska |
22 | Death Metal |
23 | Pranks |
24 | Soundtrack |
25 | Euro-Techno |
26 | Ambient |
27 | Trip-Hop |
28 | Vocal |
29 | Jazz+Funk |
30 | Fusion |
31 | Trance |
32 | Classical |
33 | Instrumental |
34 | Acid |
35 | House |
36 | Game |
37 | Sound Clip |
38 | Gospel |
39 | Noise |
40 | AlternRock |
41 | Bass |
42 | Soul |
43 | Punk |
44 | Space |
45 | Meditative |
46 | Instrumental Pop |
47 | Instrumental Rock |
48 | Ethnic |
49 | Gothic |
50 | Darkwave |
51 | Techno-Industrial |
52 | Electronic |
53 | Pop-Folk |
54 | Eurodance |
55 | Dream |
56 | Southern Rock |
57 | Comedy |
58 | Cult |
59 | Gangsta |
60 | Top 40 |
61 | Christian Rap |
62 | Pop/Funk |
63 | Jungle |
64 | Native American |
65 | Cabaret |
66 | New Wave |
67 | Psychedelic |
68 | Rave |
69 | Showtunes |
70 | Trailer |
71 | Lo-Fi |
72 | Tribal |
73 | Acid Punk |
74 | Acid Jazz |
75 | Polka |
76 | Retro |
77 | Musical |
78 | Rock & Roll |
79 | Hard Rock |
80 | Folk |
81 | Folk-Rock |
82 | National Folk |
83 | Swing |
84 | Fast Fusion |
85 | Bebob |
86 | Latin |
87 | Revival |
88 | Celtic |
89 | Bluegrass |
90 | Avantgarde |
91 | Gothic Rock |
92 | Progressive Rock |
93 | Psychedelic Rock |
94 | Symphonic Rock |
95 | Slow Rock |
96 | Big Band |
97 | Chorus |
98 | Easy Listening |
99 | Acoustic |
100 | Humour |
101 | Speech |
102 | Chanson |
103 | Opera |
104 | Chamber Music |
105 | Sonata |
106 | Symphony |
107 | Booty Bass |
108 | Primus |
109 | Porn Groove |
110 | Satire |
111 | Slow Jam |
112 | Club |
113 | Tango |
114 | Samba |
115 | Folklore |
116 | Ballad |
117 | Power Ballad |
118 | Rhythmic Soul |
119 | Freestyle |
120 | Duet |
121 | Punk Rock |
122 | Drum Solo |
123 | A capella |
124 | Euro-House |
125 | Dance Hall |
Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. http://fsf.org/ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document free in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others.
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We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.
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Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of this License can be used, that proxy’s public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Document.
“Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site” (or “MMC Site”) means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration” (or “MMC”) contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.
“CC-BY-SA” means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco, California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license published by that same organization.
“Incorporate” means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or in part, as part of another Document.
An MMC is “eligible for relicensing” if it is licensed under this License, and if all works that were first published under this License somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently incorporated in whole or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or invariant sections, and (2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008.
The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009, provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.
To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:
Copyright (C) year your name. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation License''.
If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the “with…Texts.” line with this:
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If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation.
If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.
This is a general index of all issues discussed in this manual.
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Guile is the GNU’s Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions, http://www.gnu.org/software/guile.
This document was generated on March 11, 2017 using makeinfo.
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.