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5.3.1 idxgcide

The idxgcide utility is used by the gcide module to index the GCIDE dictionary. You can start it manually to reindex the database. It can be needed, for example, if you install a modified version of the dictionary. The program is installed in libexecdir. The usage is:

idxgcide [options] dbdir [idxdir]

The only mandatory argument dbdir specifies the name of the directory where the GCIDE dictionary is installed. The optional idxdir argument specifies the directory for the index file, if it differs from dbdir. Available options are:


Debug lexical analyzer. Optional argument specifies letters of alphabet, for which debug should be enabled. E.g. --debug=FP enables debugging only for files CIDE.F and CIDE.P. Without arguments, this option enables debugging for all corpus files.


Do nothing, but print everything. This implies --verbose.


Increase output verbosity. This option can be specified multiple times, each occurrence increasing the verbosity level by one. By default the utility outputs only errors and warnings. At level one, it prints additionally the names of source files that are being indexed at the moment. At level two (the maximum level implemented at the moment) it outputs each headword being indexed along with its location. This is useful only for debugging.

-p number

Defines the size of index file page. The number specifies the size in bytes. The following case-insensitive suffixes can be used: ‘k’ (‘kb’), ‘m’ (‘mb’) or ‘g’ (‘gb’), specifying kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes (ouch!) correspondingly.

The default page size is 10240 bytes.

-# fd

Operate on the index file which is open at file descriptor fd. The gcide module uses this option to pass the descriptor of the GCIDE.IDX file to the indexer.

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