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7.2.7 Session Transcript

Session transcript is a special mode, which displays raw DICT commands and answers as they are executed. It is useful for debugging purposes.

You enable session transcript by issuing the following command:

dico> .transcript yes
# or
dico> .transcript on

Starting from then, each DICT transaction will be displayed on standard error output, for example:

dico> .open
dico: Debug: S:220 dicod (dico 2.12)
  <mime.xversion.xlev> <>
dico: Debug: C:CLIENT "dico 1.99.91"
dico: Debug: S:250 ok
dico: Debug: S:110 26 databases present
dico: Debug: S:.
dico: Debug: S:250 ok
dico: Debug: S:111 10 strategies present: list follows
dico: Debug: S:exact "Match words exactly"
dico: Debug: S:prefix "Match word prefixes"
dico: Debug: S:soundex "Match using SOUNDEX algorithm"
dico: Debug: S:.
dico: Debug: S:250 ok

In the example above, ellipses are used to replace long lists of data. As you see, session transcripts may produce large amount of output.

To turn the session transcript off, use the following command:

dico> .transcript no
# or
dico> .transcript off

Finally, to query the current state of session transcript, issue this command without arguments:

dico> .transcript
transcript is on