Next: , Previous: , Up: Configuration File Syntax   [Contents][Index] Pragmatic Comments

Pragmatic comments are similar to usual comments, except that they cause some changes in the way the configuration is parsed. Pragmatic comments begin with a ‘#’ sign and end with the next physical newline character. As of GNU Dico version 2.12, the following pragmatic comments are understood:

#include <file>
#include file

Include the contents of the file. If file is an absolute file name, both forms are equivalent. Otherwise, the form with angle brackets searches for the file in the include search path, while the second one looks for it in the current working directory first, and, if not found there, in the include search path.

The default include search path is:

  1. prefix/share/dico/2.12/include
  2. prefix/share/dico/include

where prefix is the installation prefix.

New directories can be appended in front of it using -I (--include-dir) command line option (see --include-dir).

#include_once <file>
#include_once file

Same as #include, except that, if the file has already been included, it will not be included again.

#line num
#line num "file"

This line causes dicod to believe, for purposes of error diagnostics, that the line number of the next source line is given by num and the current input file is named by file. If the latter is absent, the remembered file name does not change.

# num "file"

This is a special form of #line statement, understood for compatibility with the C preprocessor.

In fact, these statements provide a rudimentary preprocessing features. For more sophisticated ways to modify configuration before parsing, see Using Preprocessor to Improve the Configuration..

Next: Statements, Previous: Comments, Up: Configuration File Syntax   [Contents][Index]